The Red Void

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As I return to the jedi temple i enter my quarters to meditate and reflect back on what master yoda and master Aayla told me

Everyone else's pov:

Most if not all the students have gotten their crystal the only y/n has not come back

All the younglings are scared and nervous for y/n esspecialy ashoka because y/n has been her first friend ever since she first arrived at the jedi temple.

An hour passes and another and another until the final hour passes

The younglings patience had finally cracked the start begging for the master to find him

But the masters remain stern but soon master Aayla starts to waver too and looks to yoda for guidence but master yoda remains stedfocus knowing that y/n is still alive

As the final hour passes and and the door is sealed

The masters looks back at the younglings before they were able to say something screams.

The screams echoed throughout the caves with a mortifying tone

The scream was that of y/ns everybody knew it but the screams gave out negative emotions

Emotions of despair, saddness, pain,  hoplesness, and one that shook yoda

Pure Malice

The screams finally halt

And as everyone takes in what just happend yoda takes the initiative and throws his lightsaber on the ice wall making a diagonal slash. And with the force he guides his lightsaber and makes another slash forming an X

He uses the force to shatter the ice wall

Yoda:" Master Secura help me find young [y/n]"

As Aayla and yoda race around the caverns trying to find [y/n] they eventually found him

They were both shocked and relaxed

Relaxed that they were able to find him

Shocked on what was around [y/n]. It was craters and slashe marks all over this part of the cave.

It was a battlefield and in the middle laid [y/n] unconssious

Aayla ran to y/n and carried him as she waa about to leave she asked yoda if he was coming

Aayla:" master yoda are you coming?"

Yoda:" yes, just you go on i will stay for a little longer"

She nods and head back out to medical attention

Y/n pov:

As he snaps out of his train of thinking he relaxes himself and pulls out his kyber crystal out of his pocket

He inspects it only for it to be a normal a blue crystal color

Y/n: ' i swear it was black and white last time i saw it'

He sighs and just heads to sleep

He wakes up again and instead of him being in his room he woke to a red void

He stands up and looks around only to see the red void spaning forever

He turns around to see more red he  looks back im front to see something that shocked him

He saw the shadow figure looming over him with two white voids as eyes.

The shadow did nothing but stare


And thats a wrap for chap 2 hope you enjoyed it.

Also sorry for any bad grammar or bad writing its my first time writing.

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