The Army vs The Demon

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Y/n stands looking over the battle field, the shield growning ever closer and the droid army marching to the republic base.

He inhales and exhales and walks back to anakin, ashoka, and obi-wan just making the final preperations of this plan.

Y/n:" Ready? "

Ashoka:" yeah. Are you sure this plan is gonna work"

Y/n:" Well its the best one I've got with limited time"

Ashoka:" I seriously hope this works"

Anakins walks up to them

Amakin:"yes i strongly agree"

As they look on thousands no of droids and tanks march.

Y/n:" Well its now or never"


Thousand of droids marching and thousands of clone troopers ready, the   shield encompasses the clones positions and the shootout begins.

clones bodies started droping slowly, although the clones had better cover and  terrain advantage the droid army was endless.

Despite the intel of the masters that the droid army were only enough to take over the city, it felt like this army they faced were more. This droid army was enough take over half the planet.

Because it was.

The intel that Anakin and Obi-wan saw when they fought Asajj Ventress were only thousands.

Somehow some way. The army had a hundred thousand more.

As more and more droids advanced, the clone army was forced to retreat closer yo their cannons

In one desperate attempt to push back the droid army a battalion of clones decided to sacrifice themselves to push them back

A battalion of clones head to tge nearest and biggest cover they could find. One of the clones gets on top signaling the others to charge and as the clone turns his back someone pulls him down just narrowly escaping a blaster bolt aimed right at him

The person that saved this clone was y/n

Y/n:" Dont worry now I've got this under control"

He gives a big smile and starts climbing the cover and stands unfazed by the blaster bolts zooming right past him and even moves his head a bit to dodge a bolt.

Y/n:" This should be good to test how far I've gone"

As y/n jumps down he creates a force barrier with his hands and positions himself to a runners position.

As he concentrates himself he focuses the force in his legs to run faster than he possibly could. He looks straight at the enemy and sprints.

Y/n runs zoomimg past bolts he grabs his lightsaber

Ignites it bsssshhhh

Deflects the bolts while running

Getting close he extinguishes his lightsaber stops and compresing his leg muscles like a spring and using the force coating his legs jumps 30ft in the air

Mid air raises his leg for a


Taekwondo (jumping axe kick)


As he descends fast y/n uses the force to absorb kenetic energy and tensing his leg muscles basicly charging his axe kick for a power slam

And when y/n hits the ground


When y/n slamed his axe kick releasing all the kinetic energy stored in his leg causing a gigantic shockwave that annihilated battalions of droids and fliped over tanks, but it was just the beginning.

Y/n recovers and uses the force to coat his entire body with a layer of armor making blaster bolts feel like BB pelets when hit.

Droids begin firing at him, dodging and blocking with his hands. Throwing kicks and punches left and right 

As y/n kept demoloshing the army a octuptarra tri-droid started shooting at him. Noticing this y/n prepares to redirect the shots.

Using the force he focuses a barrier in his hands and using


Kung-fu (redirection style)

As the tri-droid begins shooting y/n grabs the the tank rounds and throws it back at the droid destroying it.

By now y/n has done significant damage to the droid, he looks back at the battlefiled he still has more to go before the final part of the plan

He was about to rush in until


He gets punched

Y/n got sent rolling back a couple feet but recovered easily he looks at his attacker

The attacker was 7ft tall wearing armor around his arms legs and chest and a intimidating helmet while wielding two gaunlets as his weapons

???:" So this is why we were sent here. To hanlde you."

Y/n:" what? Who are you? "

Before y/n could get a response his senses trigger danger to the left and blocks


It was a strong sidekick that pushed y/n back

He looka at the 2 assaliant this time it was a slender woman wearing similar armor but this time her legs had gaunlets

???:" Wow? This one has better reactions"

At the same time thier gaunlets started glowing the female slamed her foot in the ground creating a small shockwave while the other slamed both his fists creating a similar shockwave

Y/n: *grunts*

Y/n grabs his coms and tells Ashoka

Y/n:" Ashoka there has been a bit of a setback. Start the final part without me"

Ashoka:" what? No we cant do it without you"

Y/n:" I know but I need to deal with this now"

Ashoka:" what no *y/n cuts her off* "

Y/n:" Sorry cya"

Turns of his coms

Y/n:" so who are you? You know what nevermind. It dosent matter.

Come here and catch these hands"

Y/n prepares a boxing stance

And at the same time both charge at each other


Sorry again I have been very busy with life even though its my christmas break.

This time i have nothing much to say just sorry for not uploading for a long time.

But I can give you a fun fact

Y/n rarely uses his lightsaber for combat preferably using his fists. He only uses to deflect blaster bolts or to cut blast shiled walls.

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