The shadow

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As both [y/n] and the shadow stare off the shadow starts moving to a punching bag

[Y/n]:" what where did that punching bag come from??"

He stares at the punching bag and noticed that its chains were dangling from nothing

The shadow stares at y/n once more catching his attention. The shadow takes a fighting stance that y/n was unfamiliar with

With one foot on the front and one at the back with their chin tucked down and with both hands next to their chin

Y/n confused kept watching


The bag rattles a bit

Y/n eyes were wide he swore he saw something but nothing happend

Again the bag rattles and it kept going until y/n finally noticed that the shadow was throwing a punch

[Y/n]:' a punch at that speed how??? That shouldnt be possible'

( To y/n it may seem the shadow is throwing a superfast punch but to us we call that the Boxing Jab)

As the shadow kept repeating it y/n was able to notice how he was able to do it.

As y/n seemed to be able to figure out what their doing, the shadow used its other arm to throw a punch this one y/n was able to see but the power behind it was enough to knock out just about anything.

The shadow kept repeating these two actions y/n just kept watching in this trance like state unable to look away

Eventually y/n unconciously starts imitating the movements with minimal success but kept trying

As the shadow kept moving faster y/n tries to move faster but mental exhaustion starts to encapture him

The shadow unwavered still kept up the pace but y/ns fatigue finally caught up to him and passed out

Y/n wakes up in a cold sweat he looks around to see that he in his quarters

he tries to go back to sleep but his body is unable to because of what the shadow showed him.

He even tried meditating hoping it might make him sleep but failed

Unable to even close his eyes he get his robes and heads to one of the training grounds in the jedi temple.

As he puts down some items he removes his robes and starts trying to imitate what the shadow showed him.

He gets on the stance that the shadow showed him one foot in front and one at the back tuck his chin and both hands next to the chin

For the first hour he only practiced the fast punch (jab) trying to get it just right.

After an hour had passed his body relaxed knowing this he guessed that he atleast manage to do the form correctly

Then the second hour he practiced the straight after seemingly forever his body completley relaxed and with that he ended his session for today

But it would not be the last


And thats a wrap for chap 3 hope you enjoyed it.

A couple more chapters will be young y/n understanding whats happening himself

Think of the first few chapters as the prolouge of this story and when the clonewars begin his training will be paid of ten-fold

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