A/n: why i havent uploading a lot

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Well here is the reason why i am not uploading regulary

Well for starters lets start with my school. School right now is a pain in my ass why? Because of how much stuff i need to do.

You see because of my schools recent suspensions due to a volcano erupting and strong people getting sick from outta nowhere, the school had to temporarly shift to online classes but when we head back to face-to-face classes the amount of group projects and tests I had to do was way to much for me to write.

And to add another thing because of the recent suspensions and the fact I have so many events in my school means I have to rush my projects and test just to keep up with the schedule.

You can see how stressfull my life is but wait theres more. . .

Remember when i said students in my school were getting sick well i got sick multiple times, at one point i got so bad I started hallucinating that i physically did not exist.

so that pushes back even more time of  me writing.

And finally the final factor my daily life.

You see in real life if you knew me one of my distinct parts of my life is that I am a martial artist.

Its the reason i know a lot of techniques and can even perform some of them.

But because of me being a martial artist I also enjoy going to tournaments and compete for 1#

And so in conclusion the reason I am  not uploading regularly is becase of how chaotic my life is right now and with how chaotic it is I think I will have to start uploading rarely just to keep up with my life.

Again I am uploading rarely and  not dropping this story because i enjoy writing this

Thank you for taking your time to read my rant and cya.


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