A Battle between Gods (bonus)

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This chapter takes place during the 1st chapter where yoda finds y/n and the cave.


When Aylaa Secura left to treat y/ns wounds yoda stayed behind to see what happend

At first he only inspected the walls but eventually he also found the small box where y/n was laying

Yoda inspected the object but eventually figured out how to open the box. But unlike y/n who passed out Yoda was shown something diffrent

When yoda opened the box it glowed brightly like a sun. But after it glowed two hollowgraphic figures were opposing each other

One coated in the color blue looked similar to the shadow but not exactly; the other was coated in a red color

The red figure was massive hulking 13 feet of pure muscle. Every inch of the body was muscle, the red figure was topless showing the muscular figure, but wore pants. The face of the red figure was shaded only reveling

The blue figure was 5 feet shorter but wore blue pants (jeans) and wore a white undershirt and a short robe (black jacket) that only reached their hips and the robe was open reveling the undershirt, and their hood was on shielding their face. But what yoda found strange was their footwear they wore wierd footwear that he has nver seen before (aka the airforce ones)

Just as yoda was taking in the figures suddenly both of the threw punches at the same time


Like the sound of gunshots, both figures threw a cross counter at the same time

The blue figure backstep letting the red figure rush in for an attack but the blue figure threw a kick


Yoda saw this and thought that was the fastet kick he has ever seen in over almost 900 years of his life.

The blue figure continued to throw even faster kicks almost making it invisible

This martial art where it heavily relys on kicks eather than punches it's called Taekwondo.

Though the blue figure kept the pressure with his kicks the red figure manage to grab on the legs when on on the kicks landed.

And then the red figure started flaing the blue figures body around crashing and smashing ice around them, but one more swing into some ice caused the red figure to go blind for a split second.

And within that split second the blue figure did something that shocked yoda. The figure did a. . .

Jiu-jitsu (Armbar)

Sure yoda has some grappling moves in his life but that was few and very, very far between; but this was something he has never seen.

Now when the blue figure did this, he made sure to keep that armbar tight as in tighter than anything that can be tight.

Though the blue figure manage to get an armbar, the red figure was to strong and used strength to pry out the blue figures armbar, but just before he managed to the figure snaped the arm


The blue figure let go of the arm and rolled backwards near yodas position

Blue figure looks up suprised, the red figure Furious grabs his arm and SNAPS IT BACK INTO PLACE

Yoda and Blue figure were suprised that a man snaped his arm back into place like it was nothing. The blue figure calms themselves and prepares a stance

Yoda was confused the blue figure prepared a stance that would be very disadvantageous.

The blue figure put his legs in a quarter squat position, his hands clench and was around his waist

The red figure charges at blue about to throw a cannon of a punch, the blue figure calm times his attack. Time slows the red figure about to hit blue


It was a Kyokushin karate (straight punch)

The punch was so strong it propelled a strong man like him to crash into layers of ice.

The red figure slowly walked out of the ice and just cracked his neck smiling.

The blue figure rushes for a jumping roundhouse


It hits, but the giant blocks the kick and does.

A Boxing (liver shot)


The blue figure manages to block the block but it did severe damage to their arm.

It sent blue flying across the room. He smashed his foot in the ice to make him deaccelerate.

After deaccelerating he tries recovering themselves  but with immense speed the red hulking figure was already at blues postition and


This time it was a side kick. A very dangerous side kick. When it landed blue mamaged to block it but it almost shatterd his arms.

Blue tries to rcover again but in an instant red appears and goes for a middle kick to the left, but this time he couldnt block it.


Blue was catapulted no. . He was artilleried into the stone like Ice.

Yoda could not believe what he just saw, he could not understand what just transpired and what power two beings can produce.

Yodas thoughts were interupted by multiple emotions one of the being the most prevelent one


A feeling yoda has'nt felt in a long time

The blue figure walks out of the ice looking unfazed but with a diffrent aura an expression

The blue figured had his hoddie down revealing his spiky hair and somehow their face is not revealed but their eyes are diffrent

This time their eyes were black and white.

Their body pushing themselves past thier limit and their senses got amped up to 90.

The red figure noticing this smiles

And prepares his ultimate move that would strike down this God

As both looks each other in the eyes in a flash both sprinted to each other at inhuman speeds ready to finish each other with one  strike

Red: (final technique) Heavens strike
(Overhand hook)

Blue: (strongest technique)

1080 degree kick


Just as both fighters were about to hit each other it stops no the hologram dissapears

Yoda was stuned at what just happned, he took a few seconds to process everything before realizing it stoped

He tried look to check the small box but that to dissapeared. With nothing left he grabs his cane leaves with one more look behind him and finally leaves.


Hey double upload who wouldve guessed. Well i know it isnt a short story and definetly has a lot of lore I still weanted to get this out of my head while it was still there. And why not more action.

Well cya i will make the next bonus chapter more short and less lore heavy.

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