I am the reinforcments

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After the whole test happened the jedi council called for my presence.

I explained to them everything my traing with the shadow, My dreams, and training at night, and where it all started

That went as well as you might expect many discussions, disagreements, and descisions

When the masters heard this the council was split. Some wanted me exiled for the fear that i might pose a threat to the jedi order, while the other side wanted me to stay hopping that with enough gudiance to this unkown power i obtained. It will improve the order and the Republic they said.

I was almost exiled if not for yoda, who convinced the council for me to stay with Strict Supervision and Overwatch over my progress of course.

And so because of that every single day i train i will be watched just in case i go rouge.

Though despite the downsides it never really affected my training that much. I still trained like usual only with  someone watching me

Also when master yoda defended me he also told the council that y/n will no longer have a master

At first me and the council were shocked but yoda explained that i will continue my training to help the Republic and the order and become my own master. While being watched of course.

So fast forward 4 years later to the clone wars and thats where it gets really intresting


Its been 4 years scince that fateful day i am now 15 years old my skills have gotten so much better, I have learned many more martial arts since then.

Right now its the clone wars so for my first mission i am being sent to Christophsis to aid the 501st legion on their defense

Also i forgot to mention that Ashoka is with me. Now me and her we are still friends, she has come to accept me for who I am but it wasnt easy.

For how me and Ashoka still remained friends. it was a combination of explanation, forgivness, and time. Lots of time

Anyways back on track we are just about to arrive.


As the ship finally lands me and Ashoka walk out the ship and and the first thing i see is alot of clones rushing to their posts, attending to the supplies. But what caught me was in front of me two masters

Master Obi-wan kenobi and Master Anakin Skywaker

Anakin:" Two younglings? "

Obi-wan:" Wait I recognize that one"

He points at me

Anakin:" wait, yeah i know him thats y/n!"

This is the first time Anakin Skywalker has meet y/n face to face; He's only ever heard rumors and talks about him.

Y/n:" Nice to meet you too master Skywalker and Master Kenobi. *bow*"

Obi-wan:" And who are you young one?"

Asking Ashoka

Ashoka:" oh, I am Ashoka Tano I was sent to tell both of you that Master Yoda is asking ypu to return to the Jedi temple. Theres an emergancy"

Anakin:" Well if you havent noticed by now, we are in a bit of an emergancy"

Sounding a bit stingy

Obi-wan:" Yes, we've been requesting for  aid for quite some time. We couldnt get in contact due to our a bit unreliable communications"

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