The Test

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I have just arrived at one of the designated zones for the test. i look around to see where most of the students are and i take a seat.

I wait a bit and a familiar face walks in
It was Ashoka

It been a while since i talked to her so why not. I walked up and greeted her

[Y/n]:" hey Ashoka how've you been"

Ashoka:" y/n !! I didnt see you and also yeah i am doing great"

[Y/n]:" Great, so tell me how are you"

Ashoka:" well for starters i have basically mastered the forms from I to V So basically aced this test before it even started. How about you?"

As those words hit y/ns ears he mentally paniced knowing that he didnt practice any of the proper forms

[Y/n]:" yeah about that. . ."

Y/n was interupted by the anouncer that the test was about to begin and everyone remain in their seats

We quiet down and listen. Master Dallig enters the room to explain what the test is about

Matser Dallig:" Students, as you've heard  that this test will be testing you and Forms I all the way to Form V.  But there is also 2 more test"

The padawans were confused, they were not informed of two more tests but master Dallig explained

Master Dallig:" do not worry for the two  tests it will only test your skills on situations not knowledge"

Most of the padawans relaxed but some still remained anxious

Master Dallig:" with that said let the test begin"

Then three more masters entered the room to judge the padawans they were Mace windu, Depa Ballaba , and Kit fisto

The first few padawans steped forward but two people caught y/ns intrest they were Ashoka and another padawan named Zakeray.

He was by far most promising user of Form II: Makashi  and he was about to fight Ashoka Tano, one of the best lightsaber fighters i have seen so far.

This battle will definitely be intresting


As the padawans finished the next battle before me was Ashoka vs Zakeray

As both enter they both get on their respective stances

As the master said go both fighters immediately attack




Ashoka was pushing Zakeray back but no matter how hard she tried she could never land a single scratch on Zakeray

Both fighters were even unable to land a single hit on one another

Ashoka going for hard hitting strikes that could break someone




In everybody elses perspectives this battle was a legendary one, a battle between geniuses 

Though the word genius is exagerated it is a battle worth seeing

But for me in my eyes, it was an uphill battle from tge start. A battle that Zakeray can not win against, let me explain

You see despite zakeray looking hes toe to toes against ashoka hes actually not, right now Zakeray is on the complete defensive while Ashoka is on complete offensive.

So really Zakeray is just trying to survive against ashokas onslaught

As the battle keeps going Ashoka grows more frustrated and starts amping her speed and Zakeray tries to keep up 




Every singke attack Ashoka gives Zakeray has a harder time to defend

But because Ashoka got faster she let her emotions take over making her attacks suseptable for open windows that Zakeray may exploit

Just as i said that Ashoka gave an opening that Zakeray exploited

With everything on the line he immediately took the shoot, Ashoka too noticed a large window on Zakeray so she took it,

As both fighters were about to strike one another the voice of a master can be heard

Mace windu:" Stop!!! That is enough you have proved it enough. Both of you"

With that said both fighters ceased their strikes and bowed to their master and left the arena

Ashoka despite proving the masters she was visibly frustrated on not landing a single hit while Zakeray on the other hand was physically and mentally exhausted.

Well that was a match but i should be really worrying about mine.


As the master called me and my opponent i walk up and ready my lightsaber

My opponent name was Cellian.

Now Cellian himself is a dedicated padawan, he really wants to be a jedi knight. He and i are ok friends i mean he was a part of the journey to get our crystals but we really didnt talk that much.

So hes the best person i can use what i learned from the shadow

I focus myself and ready my kendo stance

I begin to concentrate all my senses and ready for a fight


And with that should be chap 5

This chap took me quite a while to make because of the action. I really had no idea on how to make a good action scene and I really hope that this was serviceable enough.

My only regret of this chapter was there was not enough fighting involed and the fighting itself might be mid

Well hope ya enjoyed i mma hibernate

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