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Its been a week since i had these dreams and within that week the shadow had taught me two more moves one involving a horizontal slash
(Aka the hook) but using your fist instead. And another where you punch up. (aka the uppercut) He also taught me some basic movements fit for this style of fighting.

Everynight for 2 hours i practice those moves trying to perfect it

So it wouldnt be so suprising that Master Cin Drallig would be testing all younglings who are near or are reaching maturity all lightsaber styles to Form I to Form VI

And I have not been practacing any LIGHTSABER COMBAT in the past week

Safe to say I am screwed and really rusty

[Y/n]:" ok I have 5 more rotations left i can still practice"

From day to dusk i practiced as much as i could trying to atleast be somewhat decent at any of the forms

At night does me no better too when i wake up at the middle of the night my body compulsionaly practices only what the shadow taught me. No matter how hard i try I only concentrate at that form

Eventually my body started changing geting stronger more agile and my focus and reaction was increased
And mind you this is without the help of the force.

"But wait" you might be saying "aren't all Jedi really strong" and your right their mental and spiritual strength is whats strong not physicaly. Why because they have the force they can just use that to strengthen their body to superhuman lengths

Now imagine a warrior obtaining the force thats a recipe for a monster.

Two days later

[Y/n]:' ok barley manage to master Form I and II its now night I need to sleep'

Y/n heads to bed exhausted he falls asleap within a second

Y/n wakes back in the void and in front of him was the shadow siting in a chair holding a wooden sword

They tap the floor which echoed through the void

They throws y/n the sword and readys a dueling stance.

Understanding the situation y/n readys his stance Form II: Makashi

Both are at a standoff waiting for one to make a move eventually y/n makes the first move

Y/n makes a mad dash hoping that one strike will seal the seal


The shadow had y/n by the neck.
In just two moves the shadow deflected y/ns slash whipe at the same time aimed for the neck, without moving his legs

At first y/n was confused so he did it again, again, again , and again using diffrents forms even using other forms hes never tried before but in the end he got frustrated never able to land a single hit

He tried to calm himself using the jedi way but that eventually failed.

Y/n got so frustrated he threw his sword and started throwing hands but that too was futile

The shadow expertly dodged and retaliated with little effort

Y/n:" what do you from me!!! What do you want me to do!!?" Absolutely frustrated

The shadow steps on the sword and kicks it back to him

Y/n still frustrated and angry sighs and picks up the weapon

[Y/n]:" Alright you win. I will learn"

Y/n mimics the shadow and copies what they do

For the remaining days before the test the shadow had been teaching y/n this only

Now it was the last day before the test and y/n just realized there's no name for this martial art

As he was sparring with the shadow he saw a word written on the side of the sword

The word had a language he had never seen before but could understood somehow

It said Kendo

[Y/n]:" kendo what does that mean?"

Just as he said that a sword inches away from his neck appeared

In that split second y/n parried and countered just like the first time when they started

The hit landed and y/n was overjoyous to land the hit just right before the test

The shadow smiled???

'Did the shadow just smile???'

But it dissapeared just as it appeared then


Y/n got sent flying with blood spilling out of his forhead and when he landed he woke up in bed

Realizing that the shadow hit him to wake him up he looks out the window to see the sun rising

Taking this opportunity to train he goes to the open grounds and does a last minuite train for the test today

(Wish him luck guys he needs it)


And thats chap 4 done i hope you enjoyed this

Because i stayed up at night to think what i am about to write next.

Woke up the next day dying got revived head to the gym for some "light sparring" got my ass kicked went home and finished this with a box of cereal with no milk.

So yeah you better ENJOY IT

Anyways cya

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