6th sense

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Both fighters ready their stance y/n in his kendo stance while Cellian prepares his Form III stance.

When the master said go Cellian immediatly charge at y/n with a couple multi strikes that y/n dodges expertly




Again, and again cellian keeps throwing fast strikes and y/n just calmy dodges

Noticing that y/n only kept dodging Cellian decided go for his final attack that y/n cannot dodge.

Cellian does a strong diagonal strike


Cellian eyes were wide his lightsaber was thrown out of his hand and y/ns saber was right next their cranium

In just one move y/n had parried an undogdable attack and like a laser hitting a mirror had bounced back from parrying to his saber next to the head of Cellian

Evrybody even the masters were wide eyed, bewildered, and jaw dropped. They have never seen anybody let alone a youngling, that was able to finish someone in just one move.

Most of the students chalked it up to luck  but some disagree and said that Cellian was apart of the Big 10. I will explain what the big ten is next time, but for now everyone was confused and suprised.


As y/n walks back to the bench Ashoka walks up to him

Ashoka:" whoah y/n what was that?!"

A couple more youngling appeared behind her asking the same question

[Y/n]:" well. . . I'll i did was train"

Ashoka and the rest laugh

Ashoka:"ha ha ha. No but seriously in jus one week you somehow land one move and finish it, not even I or any master could do that"

Y/n was about to respond but Master Cin Drallig

Drallig:" Indeed, not just any youngling can finish an opponent im just one move. Please tell me on how such a feat is performed?"

Y/n was perplexed on whar to say to the master, but master Drallig said

Drallig:" How about this, after the test is over you come to the jedi council and explain how it was possible yes"

Y/n nods and bows, y/n and drallig head back to their respective for the second test


As the final younglings finish the second test begins

Master Drallig:" The second test you will be blindfoled and will have to take down these droids"

Two droids enter the arena

Drallig:" you will be in the middle and will use the force to know the location of each droid circling around you and must reflect the blaster bolts to win"

'Ok' shouldnt be that hard


The first person to up was Ashoka

Now Ashoka's performance wasnt too intresting, I mean dont get me wrong its good but its standard for someone like her

Same with everybody else, I mean there was the stunning move now and then but it was pretty standard and a bit boring

Though the test wasnt intresting as the first I discovered something that was utterly broken

As y/n enters the arena the two droid sorrounded him one in the front and one at the back. He takes the blimdfold and wraps it around his eyes

When he put on the blindfold a couple  of flashing lights appeared like how when a camera flashes you kinda look away

When the flashes stop he opens his eyes to see the arena and the two droids with perfect outlines but only for a certain range

( To help better represent this, think of it as Tophs vision on how she can see almost perfect outlines of objects or people and can see the moves just before they can make it.

Yeah thats the ability he has but the range is limited to only 20 feet.)

Y/n was suprised he never knew he had this ability before but he didnt have time to dwell on it for the master said Go

As the droids begin blasting somehow y/n is able to see when and where the blaster is about to strike

And using his lightsaber he deflected two bolts back on the droid with percision.he dodges another bolt from behind and deflects another two bolts back at the droid

As I take a couple breaths i ipen my blindfold to see some suprised faces. You see most will do some acrobatics and wave their lightsaber hoping to hit its general area.
Me i did that with pin point percision and without any acrobatics

I look at the masters, some did whispering but i just head back to the benches although with some eyes staring at me


Finaly the final test is here

Drallig:" This final test will be hand to hand combat. Why? Well what if you lost yourlightsaber and must defend yourself. So with that saod we will test you on your skills on hand to hand combat"

'This will be really, really intresting' with a big smirk


Ok this chap is short i wanted to make it bigger but right now my life has been busy, so i just wanted to make this before my school starts next week.

As for the story i will try to end the prolouge with two or three chapters. And as for y/n i am trying to gauge how strong hes gonna be when the clonewars start and how many martial arts he's learned.

And thats it for now i will try to upload more often but no promises

Anyways cya

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