Welcome to the academy!

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America's POV

Darkness. Nice, cool darkness.

I knew this wouldn't last long, and just as I was about to wake up, my alarm clock did it for me.

I groaned. I hated waking up early. Usually my father would let me stay a bit longer, since I was homeschooled, but this was my first day at school. Well, high school.

I could see the Sun slowly rising through my window, almost as if it was telling me to get up. And so I got up, brushed my teeth, put on the stupid school uniform and went downstairs.

My mother, France, cooked us some food. I personally loved my moms food. It was the best. "Are you ready for your first day, America dear?" Asked my mom. "Hm?" I answered, totally focused on the food I was eating. "Oh yeah, I sure am." I said, realizing she was talking to me.

"Good. I am sure you'll make friends real quick." She said in confidence, although I could hear a hint of worry in her tone. "I know you're worried mom, I promise I'll be alright." I tried to calm her. She smiled and said: "of course you will be, but you know I'm your mother, it's my job to worry." I smiled back. "I know"

Time skip

France dropped me and my brother Canada at the academy, wishing us luck. We thanked her and walked in. Canada was already familiar with the building because our parents sent him here last year. I still couldn't understand why they didn't send me with him. It's not like he's older than me. He actually is a little younger than me! How is that fair? I continued to wonder and think, but my thoughts were soon interrupted by the place I was standing in.

"Wow" I murmured in awe. This place was huge! It sure is awesome, but I think I'll get lost in seconds. Luckily for me, my brother knew the place.

He lead me through the classrooms, the library, the lab, the garden, everything! It was amazing, but a bit confusing, honestly.

"Oh!" Said Canada. "That's my girlfriend, Ukraine!" He was pointing at a shorter girl in the garden who was wearing a flower crown. Not gonna lie, I can see why Canada likes her. She sure is pretty, and by how he described her personality, I think she is perfect for him. I wonder if I'll get a girlfriend. Although, to be honest, I'm not really in to girls. Not that I've met many, but still.

"Hey! Ukraine!" Called Canada. "I want you to meet my brother, his name is America!" Ukraine came closer and shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you America, I've heard a lot about you." She said and smiled. "I can say the same. But you can call me Ame. Your flower crown is very pretty by the way." I tried making a good first impression. Canada gave me a thumbs up to show me I did good. Ukraine smiled again. "Why thank you!" She said. "Do you know anyone in the academy yet?"

"Um, no, not really." I answered. "That's okay! We can take you to our friends. They are very nice." Said Ukraine. "I would love that, thank you."

First they took me back to the library. Ukraine pointed at two male students in the corner. "Those are Germany and Poland. They finally started dating last year. I hope you're okay with that." She said. "Why wouldn't I be? I totally support gay rights." I said "great!" Said Ukraine.

"Hey Germany! Poland! Meet my brother America!" Said Canada. One of them jumped up and walked to where I was standing. "Hey! I'm Poland, nice to meet you!" He said in excitement.  I honestly loved his vibe. He looked really happy and excited to meet me. "Canada told us a lot about you. You prefer to be called Ame, right?" He asked. "Oh yeah, sure!" I said, happy he knew that.

"Hey Germany, come here and say hello you book worm!" Shouted Poland to Germany who was sitting at the edge of the library. "Huh? Oh, um, hey there." He said quietly and stuffed his nose back in the book he was reading. "Come on germs, don't be shy!" Said Poland, calling him by his nickname. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." He got up slowly and and walked towards me as well. "Hey there. Nice to meet you." He said. You could tell he didn't really like to socialize, unlike his boyfriend. I respected that, though. "Nice to meet you too, Germany." I smiled. "Or should I call you germs, huh?" I said, and we all laughed. "Yeah, you can call me that if you want. All my friends call me that way." He said.

After a while of talking, they decided to take me to their other friends. But before we found them I accidentally bumped into someone. "Hey! Watch it!" Said a female student aggressively. "S- sorry..." I said. "Yeah, you'd better be." She growled. Poland glared at her but stayed silent.

"Who's that?" I asked my friends after she went away. "That's Iran. She's not a bully, but she will beat you up real bad if you even talk to her, so stay out of her way." Said Canada. "Okay." I said, a little scared. "Anyway, do you see those two?" Said Ukraine and pointed at a tall male student and a female one walking together. "Those are China and North Korea. They are the school bullies, good luck getting away from them."

{A/N: yes China is a girl in this AU}

"Let's walk from here, maybe they won't see us." Said Poland and took us from a different corridor. "There they are!" He said and called two students to come here. "Ame, theses are Japan and South Korea, they are also our friends." Said Canada. I smiled at them and said hello. Turns out they're dating ever since their first year here.

{A/N: Japan is a girl and South Korea is a boy}

After a few minutes of introducing me to all the students and teachers in the academy, I felt more confident about walking in those halls. I could say I have friends now, which was awesome.

We were just walking around and suddenly I noticed a student I didn't recognize. I thought that by now I'd know everybody, but I guess I was wrong. "Hey um, who's that? I don't think you introduced him." I said. "Who?" Asked Canada. "That tall scary guy over there." I said and pointed at him.

"Oh yeah, that's Russia..." Said Canada. Surprisingly he sounded scared. He wasn't the bravest guy, true, but he sounded really scared this time. Weird.

"Oh, yeah, um... he's- he's my brother." Said Ukraine, a little hesitant. "What?!" I almost shouted. "You look nothing alike! And to be honest, you look much nicer than he looks. Both personally and physically." I said in disbelief. How could they be related? Ukraine sighed. "I know." She said sadly. "It's- it's not his fault he's like that. Our past..." she paused. It was clear she didn't want to talk about that topic so it was best to leave it. Canada hugged her. Maybe he knows what happened.

Meanwhile I observed him. When I looked closer I could see his left arm was made of metal. How did he lose it? I wonder. He had short ivory hair and blue ice-like eyes. His right eye was also missing a pupil. Creepy! He also had a scar across the right side of his head. All the way from his eye to his neck. It looked like it was made from a lightning strike, but smaller. His wings were really long and colored black. It had a layer of dark purple feathers, like northern lights. It also had a few white feathers like stars. His wings were sure beautiful, or at least his right wing was. His left wing was made of metal too, just like his arm. He was definitely the scariest guy I've ever seen, but I do feel a little sorry for him. Those injuries must have hurt.

Well, anyway, exploring time has ended. The bell rang and we separated and went each to their class.

Time skip

After the school ended, our mother got me and Canada back home. "How was school sweeties?" She asked. "It was great!" Said Canada. "What do you think, America dear?" She asked me. "It was nice. The place is huge, and most students are nice. Canada took me to meet all his friends." I said. She smiled. "Good. I'm glad you're doing fine."

I went upstairs to my room to rest my body. But my mind sadly couldn't. I kept thinking about something. No, someone. Someone that confuses me. Usually when I meet new people, I like to 'figure them out' which means knowing them. Sort of. But there was one person. One person I couldn't figure out.

That empty look in his eyes.

He didn't just look scary, he acted that way. He didn't show emotion around anyone, and never talked or even interacted with anyone as far as I know.

That person... what was his name again? Oh right.


{A/N: first chapter finished! Hope you enjoyed it :)}

Words: 1520

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