♡₈ Bum Piercing

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𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤
𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐦 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠


By the time Taehyung managed to lay a hand on the running boy, the little one shifted right through the bedroom door and closed it, locking it with the key that he just stole. He giggled and said from the other side.

"So long, Master! I get to touch myself tonight!"

Author's POV:

As Jungkook woke up, he felt the sun landing right over his face. He groaned and sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes and head, moving his legs only to gasp as a loud thud was heard. The toys he had used last night were still recklessly scattered across the bed, the smell inside the room being completely humid and naughty. He scrunched his nose and covered it with the back of his palm while sliding out of bed. With his mind still dizzy from sleeping and waking up in a such a heat and rushed manner, he forgot completely about the last night's dispute.

Just as he cracked the door open, a strong hand shoved and pulled it even more, until Jungkook was facing Taehyung through the doorframe.

"H-hyung?" He managed to say before the other rushed and gripped his arms around him, lifting him up over his shoulder and taking him to the living room. The younger was completely confused and dizzy by the rough hoist, whimpering and huffing, yelping loudly as a harsh hand landed on his ass. With his long nightshirt still on and nothing else covering his body, the impact made his skin immediately redden. Taehyung tossed him on the couch, mercilessly grabbing his ankles and pulling him to the middle of the couch, his head falling from the arm rest and his back rubbing over the leather texture.

The elder grabbed a piece of rope from behind the coffee table. By the time he did so, Jungkook was following his hands closely, even if the daze was still controlling over him. He noticed a white packet on the table as well, but it was not enough time for him to realize as the other yanked him by the wrists. He quickly and skillfully wrapped the rope around them, pushing them down right after tying them securely, knotting the other edge of the rope around a post. The stretch was making the younger arch his back, squirming and trying to move the arms that were now tightly tied above his head and across the couch.

"Be quiet, you pathetic slut!" Taehyung yelled as the other was whimpering and pleading for an explanation. He reached his hand for the packet, the rumble sound making Jungkook's eyes widen both curiously and fearfully. He gulped and looked at the man as he took out a piece of cotton and antiseptic, then a tube which clearly looked like numbing gel, followed by a pair of short needles and two tiny objects which were covered by his fingers. Jungkook's heart started beating wildly as he noticed the man's hand reaching for his cock. He immediately closed his thighs, earning a glare from the other.

"Don't you dare move an inch. Spread your legs. Wide. Now."

"Taehyung... "

"Do it already! Don't you hear?!" He rasped and lifted his hand, almost slapping the younger's face again. Jungkook whimpered and lifted his hands up shakily, covering his face and crying out while spreading his legs again, resting one on top of the backrest of the couch and letting the other dangle over the edge.

"Now stay still and don't look."

"Wh-" He sobbed and felt his tears rolling down his cheeks, sniffing and nodding. "Y-yes, hyung-ah..."

The other started rubbing and twisting the boy's cock, pulling the skin and stretching his tip until it was hard enough to stand out. The next thing he did was to bring the antiseptic and cotton closer. After soaking the cotton and closing the lid of the alcohol, he patted it against Jungkook's tip, one hand grasping the base of his dick and the other covering his skin with the liquid. Putting some pressure over the place right under the boh's glans, on top of the urethra, letting the liquid drip down and neatly clean the skin.

Jungkook held back from squirming or making any sound, even if the wet cold feeling was quickly draining out and leaving his skin sensitive to the cold air. However, Taehyung placing away the cotton. He looked at Jungkook's eyes for a split second, noticing the glassy veil of tears gathering into them.

Without a word, he squeezed the boy's cock by its base, bringing one of the needles under his tip, prodding it against his skin. Carefully analyzing the best spot for it, he didn't hesitate since Jungkook was already starting to whine and cry out, so he pushed the needle right through the tiny bit of his skin. It was soft and stretched, not to mention the slick precum coating half of his length. It easily slid till the middle, Taehyung leaving equal sides to poke out of the pierced flesh. Jungkook held back from flinching as much as possible, scared that the other will hit him again without a second thought.

"H-hyung-ah... It hurts... It hurts, please make it stop..." Jungkook pleaded, starving for the other's attention and mercy. Yet, it never came.

Taehyung didn't even bother to look at him while speaking. "You touched yourself last night thinking it is a funny game."


"I heard you giggling. You weren't hard at all. You just brought up a stupid game by stepping over the most important rule. Now suffer the consequences. Besides, piercing your dick and tight hole will only remind you about who you belong to."

The younger didn't get a moment to reply, feeling the other's fingers sinking a bit past his clenching rim, slapping his ass right after.

"Relax it and stay still." Jungkook did as told and felt the other's fingertips pull out some of the skin from the very bottom of his hole. He stretched it out and grabbed the second needle, his arms and shoulders blocking the younger's view. But he could still sense how Taehyung was carefully picking the spot, before pushing the sharp end of the needle right through the sensitive skin. Jungkoook cried out at the feeling of blood dripping now from both of the openings, his eyes falling and his breaths turning into shaky huffs.

Taehyung grabbed the numbing gel after wiping the leaks from the other's cock along with the blood, cleaning him carefully. He spurted some of the gel on his fingers and applied it on Jungkook's skin, earning quiet winces from the other, his legs shaking uncontrollably.

"It will be alright. Come on, let's get this bunny back to bed." He said before patting and pushing the rim a little bit, caressing his ass and untying his hands. Taehyung picked him up bridal style and carried him to the bedroom, laying both of them down, still holding the younger cradled in his arms. He pulled the blanket over him and kissed the top of his head. By the time he started to rock him, a sound was coming from beneath his eyes. He lowered his gaze and noticed how the boy was already sleeping against his chest, his breath fanning into his skin and his body curled and tucked all together.

The elder knew how much Jungkook trusted him, yet he had to know boundaries. Even so, he didn't regret being rough for a small while, if it took Jungkook to listen and behave in the future. He was his baby after all, so he would spoil him afterwards anyway.

Jungkook sniffled and whined a small moan of comfort, moving even closer and hiding into the other's arms, the blanket covering him till the middle of his cheeks. Taehyung could feel how relaxed his body felt in his hold.

"I love you so much, my baby..."

Jungkook hummed in his sleep and gripped his hand into a tiny fist, holding onto his shirt. Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes as well, placing small kisses into the other's nape, allowing himself to drift into sleep with the bless of the other's scent.


Yea yea, I know it says complete, but it comes naturally. I mean, c'mon man...

*giggles* see you next time!

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