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"words" = talking

name: "" = Texting/typing in a group chat

** = actions (I rarely use this when writing lmfao-)

() = thinking



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story and or starting the story


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl


...................................................................................... = means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats


___________________________________________________ = means changing to irl to diary or diary to irl



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = means not being groupchat anymore and or changing pov's


'..(persons contact: text)..' = looking at a text

'....(text)....' = typing/sending in a text?

-words- = time skip

""..(text).."" = Looking at Someone elses phone and reading what they Sent.

'..(persons contact: text)..' or '....(text)....' = 2 people texting with their reaction and thougts?

'Words' = not talking- but like- repeting somthin- idfk how to exsplain.

'words' = mumbling to themself?

((Words)) = like- not them talking- and me talking- but like pointing/saying thing('s) out maybe?


*Scott's pov*


after i put my phone away- it beeped again- and i just grabbed it and it was from jimmy, and i saw he changed my contact to  '🩵My Petal🥰' Which is Adorable- and i couldn't help but smile a tiny bit, "OooOoo~ What'd he send to make you smile like that~?" My mother asked as i looked at his text- "oh- he just changed my contact- and i thought i was cute-" I mumbled, "Awwww~ What'd he change it too?" My Mother Asked

and saw jimmy sent '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: uh o- idk ow tooo h lep u-😓)..'

and i just sent back '....(SHOULDIRU-FLYTOYOURS??🤔😭)....' ignoreing the Qeustion My mother asked

and he sent back,  '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: itu rmum th0- shhee j ust aks latwer)..'

and i just sent back  '....(IK😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)....' "Awe~ Too Busy Texting Your Man to Answer My Question i see~" My Mother Teased? "Yes- cus his spelling actually really sucks- andd it's a bit hard to read-" I stated, "Really?" My Mother asked

and he sent back, '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: aybe aks tooonwot twawk abt it?😕🤔)..'

"He just spelt talk like,  'T W A W K'  So- yes-" I stated as i responded with,  '....(GOOD IDEA- I'LL DO THAT!!! TY- ILYSM<3333)....'

"..Oh my-" My mother stated "Yeahh- i think he needs spelling lesons or somthin- but- can- you please stop asking qeustions now-...?" I stated/asked "Oh- Is it that intruding?-" My mother asked "I mean- yeahh-" I mumbled, "oh- i'm sorry i-" My mother started "It's fine- your just doing normal mom things-" I chuckled slightly, 

and she just smiled, "yknow, i'm Glad your not trying to hide your emotions around only me." My mother stated, and i just smiled and looked back to my phone,

and he sent back, '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: waht duhzzz ILYSM meen?🤔)..'

and i couldn't help but giggle at his spelling- and the fact that he didn't know what ILYSM Ment, and i just reply'd twice with,  '....(ILYSM = I Love You So Much' XD)....' &  '....(Also- It Worked-!!!!!!!!!🥲 TY- I REALLY DO LYSM<333....'

and he sent back, '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: OOOO- ell, Tawht guued!😃, ILYSMT!!!!!😘)..' "ok- well- ima go back to jimmy's now-" I stated getting up, "Oh~ So You Had Xornoth Cover by saying you were at a friends insted of your boyfriends~" My Mother stated

"Ah- Yeahh-" I stated and then sent jimmy and i Sent '....(Ima come back to yours now!<3😁)....'

and he sent as i started flying, '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: Okey!!!)..'

and i sent as i was flying back to jimmy's, '....(See you Soon<3)....'



Word Check: 583

Post date: 8/3/2023

Date of the story: 10/6/2021 / November 5 2021

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