jizzie ''hangout''

63 4 56

"words" = talking

name: "" = Texting/typing in a group chat

** = actions (I rarely use this when writing lmfao-)

() = thinking



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story and or starting the story


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl


...................................................................................... = means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats


___________________________________________________ = means changing to irl to diary or diary to irl



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = means not being groupchat anymore and or changing pov's


'..(persons contact: text)..' = looking at a text

'....(text)....' = typing/sending in a text?

-words- = time skip

""..(text).."" = Looking at Someone elses phone and reading what they Sent.

'..(persons contact: text)..' or '....(text)....' = 2 people texting with their reaction and thougts?

'Words' = not talking- but like- repeting somthin- idfk how to exsplain.

'-words-' = mumbling to themself?

((Words)) = like- not them talking- and me talking- but like pointing/saying thing('s) out maybe?

'words' = other side of a phone call/the person their calling


*Lizzie's pov*


After i got the tokens i dragged joel over to the claw, and looked inside of it too see if there was any salmon plushies.. There wasn't any sadly- but there was a Sherk plushie- and i think joel metioned he liked Shrek- 

(should i suprise him with it?...) i thought to myself and looked over to joel who was stareing at me and so i said- "Theres no salmon one-" i sighed- "oh well-" joel shrugged- looking relived about it-

"Buy some pizza- I wanna play this and it might take awhile" I deiceded and handed joel enough money for one "oh- um- What- kind??" Joel asked- takeing the money "Anything- But no mushrooms- i'm allergic-" I stated ((i dunno why i made her allergic to mushrooms- i just did cus i can see it- XDD))

"oh- Ok than!" Joel said and walked off to buy the pizza- and so i than started trying to get the sherk plush for joel- cus- yes- and i managed to get it after like- 9 try's- and than did one random try to get something random and got a black Cat plushie- so i deicded to also give it to joel- cus why not- and than 

i went and asked where we were sitting while hideing the plushies behind my back- "they said- table 4-" joel hummed and so we went over there- and than i shoved the plushies into his hands- "I got ya these Cus last time you got me Some plushies-" I stated

"IT"S A SHERK-" joel said shocked- "Yeah- it was in the thing- and i remember you mentioned you like him- sooo-" i shrugged and he smiled- "Thanks-!" Joel smiled and than- "Table 4!!" one of the works shouted out- and joel stood up-

"that- was Quick" i said- "yeah-.. really quick- useally it takes like- 30 minutes- but i'm not complaining-" Joel shrugged and went and got our pizza and came back, he just got a simple Small half cheese pizza and half peppernoi with sausages,

and so we ate our pizza while we talked and after we finsihed eating we Went Right Back to the games and play'd- 

"OH COME ONNNn-" Joel groaned as i beat him in a raceing game, Again, and i just giggled evily, "Thats the Fiffth time in a rowww!" joel huffed- "Skill Issue." I Smirked and joel just stuck his tounge out at me childishly- and SO i Flipped him off and he gasped and looked at me offended- 

"How dare you-!!!!!!!" Joel Scoffed- "I Do Dare i-?" I responded- and joel just laughed and i joined in as it made no sense to be honset- and after while of a few more games we left and noicted it was basicly 10pm now- 

"Well- by- this was fun-" Joel stated "Yeah- Bye!!" I said and we both went home and when i got home Scott and jimmy were watching frozen in the living room- they were at the let it go song and Scott was singing along- Greatly- and jimmy noicted me, 

"How was your hangout with pearl and joel?" Jimmy asked "good- tho pearl had to leave within the first 30 minutes-" i shrugged, as let it go finsihed it's song and Scott looked over at me- "damn- so did that make it a date with joel?" Scott asked with a smirk- 

"WHat- N-No- It's just a hangout- And why would you ever say that???" I Scoffed "Sureee-" Scott giggled leaning on jimmy, "what'd you two do?" jimmy asked "oh just went to the arcade and ate pizza and i got him a sherk plushie-" i shrugged

"Couple vibs~" Scott teased- "Nu-uh!!" I Scoffed "Yu-uh." Scott giggled "Oh Shut up-!!" I Scoffed and stormed up into my room feeling a bit emmbarressed- (me and joel were just friends- thats thats all were gonna ever be-.. right?..) i thought to myself and than deiceded to go to bed since i was tired-


Lizzie's unsure abt her feelings- XD

I Wrote more today- Yay!!

7.1k veiw's on this book??- thanks-


Word Check: 849

Post date: 12/31/2023

Date of the story: 10/8/2021 / November 8 2021

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