op- Crash

99 7 6

"words" = talking

name: "" = Texting/typing in a group chat

** = actions (I rarely use this when writing lmfao-)

() = thinking



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story and or starting the story


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl


...................................................................................... = means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats


___________________________________________________ = means changing to irl to diary or diary to irl



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = means not being groupchat anymore and or changing pov's


'..(persons contact: text)..' = looking at a text

'....(text)....' = typing/sending in a text?

-words- = time skip

""..(text).."" = Looking at Someone elses phone and reading what they Sent.

'..(persons contact: text)..' or '....(text)....' = 2 people texting with their reaction and thougts?

'Words' = not talking- but like- repeting somthin- idfk how to exsplain.

'words' = mumbling to themself?

((Words)) = like- not them talking- and me talking- but like pointing/saying thing('s) out maybe?


*jimmy's pov*


 Scott then sent '..(🩵My Petal🥰: See you Soon<3)..' andd i deicded not to reply, cus he was flying, and i don't want him to crash or somthin- on the way here, 


*Scott's pov*


As i was flying i heard my phone beep, and saw Lauren texted me, and i looked at it-  

'..(🟪🐦🍞: Hi, Hru? Whatcha doing🙃)..' 

and i apparently wasn't paying enough attention to were i was flying- and crashed right into a tree-  And just fell on the ground- "ow-" I mumbled to myself- and just got up and made sure i was fine- anddd i think i was- 

and then i just responded to lauren with-  '....(i was just flying to jimmy's- and then crashed into a tree while i was reading that-... I'm fine- i think- well- my face hurts a bit- but likeee- thats fineee- i'm fineeeee-🥲)....'

and she just responded with,  '..(🟪🐦🍞: I think you'll be fine- might get a bruise? but eh- not too bad for crashing into a Tree-🤣)..'

 and then i just responded With '....(Lol- i swear if i have a bruise on my face by the time i get to jimmy's- he's gonna be so concerned- and ima be like- i just crashed into a tree-😓🤣)....'

and she just responded with '..(🟪🐦🍞: hmmm-... Now that i'm thinking abt it- i've still yet to meet him-😑🤔)..'

and then i just responded With '....(hmmmm- 🤔 I can text him 'Change of Plans, Meh Childhood Bestie wants to meet ya, meet at that one park close to Our School? Maybe? Plz?🥺😊'-... Do you think i shouldddd?🤔)....'

and she just responded with '..(🟪🐦🍞: YES- SEND THAT TO HIM RN! I'M GOING TO THE PARK!🤩)..'

and then i just responded With '....(Oki!! Meet ya there- well- if he agrees- which he probally willl~😊)....'

and then i texted jimmy,  '....(Change of Plans, Meh Childhood Bestie wants to meet ya, meet at that one park close to Our School? Maybe? Plz?🥺😊)....' ((yes he did just copy paste- bc- like- he don't wanna rewrite that-🙄))

and jimmy then responded with- '..(🥰Meh Future Husband🥰: Okey tfhann!)..'

and then i put my phone away and then started to fly to the park, andd Lauren was already there by the time i got there- and she just looked at me "oh- yep- youu have a Bruise on your face-" Lauren stated- "ah- is it that noitceable?" i Asked "it's on your cheek- to right below your left eye-" Lauren stated

"...damn- wiat i gotta see-" I stated, and pulled out my phone and went on my camera- and looked "...yeahh- theirs no way i can even hide thattt-" I stated with a sigh, "you should prob use your ice powers to put the ice on it-" Lauren stated "yepp- good idea-" i stated, and just made a chunk of ice and put it against my face-


lol- thank YourlocalwriterRexy- bc- ik they were on, and ik they would respond quick- while i was writeing- and got the idea- where Scott Crashed- So i just asked yes or no, they picked yes, andd then i also asked what lauren should of asked- and their 3rd idea said a check up? like- hi- and stuff-  and it worked great lol! :D

Word Check: 697

Post date: 8/4/2023

Date of the story: 10/6/2021 / November 5 2021

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