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"words" = talking

name: "" = Texting/typing in a group chat

** = actions (I rarely use this when writing lmfao-)

() = thinking



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story and or starting the story


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl


...................................................................................... = means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats


___________________________________________________ = means changing to irl to diary or diary to irl



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = means not being groupchat anymore and or changing pov's


'..(persons contact: text)..' = looking at a text

'....(text)....' = typing/sending in a text?

-words- = time skip

""..(text).."" = Looking at Someone elses phone and reading what they Sent.

'..(persons contact: text)..' or '....(text)....' = 2 people texting with their reaction and thougts?

'Words' = not talking- but like- repeting somthin- idfk how to exsplain.

'-words-' = mumbling to themself?

((Words)) = like- not them talking- and me talking- but like pointing/saying thing('s) out maybe?

'words' = other side of a phone call/the person their calling


*Lizzie's pov*


"i free'd the owls-" Scott stated- still slightly covering his ears- "Scott- did your ears stop ringing yet?" Jimmy asked softly- "it's at like a normal ringing at the moement-" Scott said- and just uncovered his ears,

"wait- wait- You Free'd the Owls? How'd you- and why-??" I said/asked "ice magic duh- and i couldn't just let my kind not be freee-" Scott stated- "welp- that Makes Sense." I Shrugged "Soo- um- should you probally tell someone about jimmy's door or-" Joel started 

"oh- yeah- um- i'll go tell mom." I Stated and walked out- and went- and found mom after about an hour((she got lost- shes still not used to the way around- XD)) "Heyyy mom-" I said "..What did you do-?" Mom Asked 

"I- may have broke jimmy's door-" I stated- and she just sighed- "You Really Can't Go 3 months without breaking his door huh!" Mom Laughed-((yes- lizzie did that like every 3 months at their old place- XDDD))

"Sorry-?" I said "It's fine- i'll just Get a new one-" Mom Stated- sorta laughing as she walked away to her room- and i just went back to jimmy's room-((taking like 20 minutes-)) and i walked in- 

"why did that take so long?" Joel asked "I got lost-" i mumbled- "Lizzie- i've been going places then staying here- and i surprising know my way around-" Jimmy stated- "i'm bad at directions-" i shrugged and sat down-

"wait- Just reailseing- Joel why are you here?- not that it's a bad thing- but like- why?" Jimmy asked- "Oh- Me and lizzie were hanging out-" Joel shrugged "that kinda Makes sense-?" Jimmy said-

-abt like- 30 minutes later-

"Whats Up MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!" Grian Screamed as he ran into jimmy's room- causeing jimmy to just yelp and jump a bit and ended up falling on the flour again- while joel just screamed- "AHHHAUE FHKIUHHHHHHHHHH!!!" joel screamed-

and then Scott just slapped joel across the face- "Shut up." Scott stated- and i just brusted out into laughter at the chaos that just happened in a matter of like 5 seconds- and i heard Grian also brust into laughter- 

and after a bit- everyone calmed down- "I would say i didn't expect this to go this way-" Grian started- with a pause- "But i Knew this was exzactly how it would fucking go-" Grian stated with a chuckle- 

"can i come in yet?" someone said- peaking their head around the corner- "Oh- Yeah- Come on in Scar-" Grain said- and this Scar person came in- and looked at me- "i know yall- but i don't know you-..." Scar? stated- 

"ah- i'm lizzie- jimmy's Older sister- and you are?" I stated- "Well I am Scar- And Jimmy- You HAve a SisteR???" Scar said turning to jimmy- "Yeah- in this world atleast-" jimmy said- what did he mean by that?..

"what do you mean in this world-" I asked looking at jimmy- "..Oh- RIghhttttt- I didn't tell you yet-" Jimmy said- "didn't tell me what???" i asked and Grian interupted with "oh- Me, Scar, Scott, Jimmy, And Joel have a past life, and we rember it- and it was a death game-" Grian interupted

"Uh- Correction- i don't remember- but jimmy's telling me alot about it." Scott joined in- "oh yeah- keep forgetting you don't remember-" Grian Shrugged- "..ok- then-.. um- changeing Subject- Anyone Wanna Play truth or dare?" I said/asked

with a pause, and then spoke again, "Too bad i'm forceing yall to play now lets all Sit down and play, i'll go first, Jimmy, truth or dare?" I stated/asked "oh- um- Dare?.." Jimmy said quickly


Cleo~ i've deicded to let the fun be tommorrow-  >:DDDD

i just reailsed- 1, this book has 1.1k- XD and 2, the first book has 23.4k- 3, so thanks- 4, ima have to keep track of both veiw thingys bc- i just have to- like- i don't- but i have to-

Word Check: 820

Post date: 9/4/2023

Date of the story: 10/6/2021 / November 5 2021

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