pft- fast lier- XD

90 4 75

"words" = talking

name: "" = Texting/typing in a group chat

** = actions (I rarely use this when writing lmfao-)

() = thinking



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = changing pov's


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ending the story and or starting the story


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= changing to irl to groupchat or groupchat to irl


...................................................................................... = means im too lazy to type the conversation that you would only see if you scrolled up in groupchats


___________________________________________________ = means changing to irl to diary or diary to irl



*(insert name here) pov*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = means not being groupchat anymore and or changing pov's


'..(persons contact: text)..' = looking at a text

'....(text)....' = typing/sending in a text?

-words- = time skip

""..(text).."" = Looking at Someone elses phone and reading what they Sent.

'..(persons contact: text)..' or '....(text)....' = 2 people texting with their reaction and thougts?

'Words' = not talking- but like- repeting somthin- idfk how to exsplain.

'words' = mumbling to themself?

((Words)) = like- not them talking- and me talking- but like pointing/saying thing('s) out maybe?


*Shubble's pov*


After I write'd? down the bet on our list of bets that take awhile to figure out, "K, whos turn is it?" I asked "Me," Pearl stated and paused before couniteing with a bet "I bet 200 bucks, that Nature wifes with be together by the end of the School year~" Pearl stated putting 200 in the middle

"I put 300 on that bet," Gem stated, and put 300 in the middle, "..whats Nature wifes?" Me and Kathy asked at the same time- and just giggled, before looking back at pearl and gem- and then gem Spoke up first,

"um- We can't tell you two, cus- we just can't-" Gem stated "Why-?" Kathy asked "because it's a club- anddd you have to be in it to know- and your not allow'd to say who to be who aren't in or else you get kicked out-" Pearl said quickly-

"thats lokey kinda dumb-" I stated "Yeah, I agree-" kathy stated, "anyways- if you two don't wanna bet just write the bet down on the notepad-" Gem stated- "okkkk-" i said and wrote it down-


i went shopping- for 8 hours today- my feet still hurt- :') But i GoT- A Red Shirt with A Top ramen bowl on it-!! X] and- A Sunflower dress- (That i absolutely look stunning in-) BUT- IT HAD POCKETS -!!!!!!!! X]]]]]]

i need more bet ideass!!!!- cus my mind ain't working- XD

Word Check: 401

Post date: 8/11/2023

Date of the story: 10/6/2021 / November 5 2021

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