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Before you all begin voting, you must read the details of how the Stand and its user can handle the Zombie Apocalypse (had help with ChatGPT). Once you read all of them, you can cast your votes on the word that is left out which is "PICK THIS STAND?" Also, you can only pick one out of the three Stands which is like choosing a starter Pokemon. So, my apologies if I was lacking some useful Stands, but I also can't use OP Stands which would make the story get derailed nonetheless.)


Star Platinum (No Time Stop Ability):

Pros of Star Platinum (without time-stop):

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Pros of Star Platinum (without time-stop):

Incredible Speed and Precision: Star Platinum is known for its exceptional speed and precision, allowing it to quickly dispatch individual zombies with well-placed strikes.

Immense Strength: The Stand's superhuman strength enables it to deliver powerful blows, making it effective in dealing with stronger or more resilient zombies.

Defensive Capabilities: Star Platinum's reflexes and speed also make it adept at dodging and evading attacks, increasing the user's chances of survival in close-quarters combat.

Versatility: Although it lacks time-stop, Star Platinum has showcased a wide array of combat techniques, giving its user a versatile toolset to adapt to different situations.

Destructive Power: Star Platinum's punches can be devastating, potentially allowing it to clear out smaller groups of zombies efficiently.

Cons of Star Platinum (without time-stop):

Limited Range: Star Platinum is primarily a close-range Stand, which means it needs to be in close proximity to zombies to be effective. This could expose the user to greater risks, especially against larger groups.

Energy Consumption: Using Star Platinum's abilities extensively can be draining on the user, and a prolonged zombie apocalypse could lead to exhaustion and decreased combat effectiveness.

No Time Manipulation: The absence of the time-stop ability deprives the user of a powerful tactical advantage. Without this ability, the user may need to rely more on their wits and agility to evade danger.

Vulnerable to Swarming: Despite its speed and strength, Star Platinum may struggle against overwhelming numbers of zombies due to its limited range of attack and the risk of getting surrounded.

Resource Management: In a prolonged apocalypse, resources like food, water, and medical supplies might be scarce, and Star Platinum's power could consume vital resources, making survival more challenging.

User's Skill Dependency: The effectiveness of Star Platinum heavily relies on the user's combat skills and strategic thinking. Inexperienced or reckless users could put themselves at greater risk.

Stand Users Among the Dead - (Zom 100: B.L.O.T.D X Male (Stand User) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now