Final Chapter: A Journey to the Unknown!

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(A/N: Once again like the last chapter, I might skip some details to the original story of the confrontation between Akira and Higurashi, but if you have seen the last episode or read the manga, then you'll understand. Apologies once again, but anyways, let's enjoy!)

-No One's P.O.V-

As Beatrix Amerhauser and (Y/N) (L/N) continued their precarious journey atop the rolling water wheel, the relentless groans of zombies followed them. The monotonous walk prompted Beatrix to break the silence with a mischievous smile.

Beatrix: Hey, (Y/N), let me tell you a funny story about my homeland,

Beatrix began, her turquoise-blue eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

You looked at her, intrigued.

(Y/N): Sure, Bea. Anything to pass the time.

Beatrix launched into her story, her German accent adding a unique charm to her words.

Beatrix: So, there's this tradition in Germany during Christmas. We have these little figurines called 'Weihnachtsmänner,' which are like miniature Santas. Well, people like to hide them in unexpected places, and the game is to find them. It gets hilarious when someone forgets where they hid one, and it turns up months later in the middle of summer!

You chuckled at the mental image of a tiny Santa appearing out of nowhere during the summertime.

(Y/N): That's pretty amusing, Bea. I can imagine the confusion.

Beatrix grinned, her blond hair swaying with the rhythm of the rolling water wheel.

Beatrix: Oh, it gets even better. There's this game called 'Eierpicken,' where people compete by tapping boiled eggs against each other. The one whose egg remains uncracked is the winner. It's like a serious competition, and people get really into it. Imagine, grown adults passionately tapping eggs together!

You laughed, picturing the absurdity of adults engaging in such a competitive egg-tapping contest.

(Y/N): Sounds like a unique tradition. Do you participate in that, too?

Beatrix nodded with a playful expression.

Beatrix: Oh, absolutely! It's all in good fun. But trust me, you've never experienced true excitement until you've witnessed a heated Eierpicken tournament.

As the two of you continued walking on the water wheel, Beatrix shared more anecdotes and humorous tales from her homeland, creating a lighthearted atmosphere despite the zombie-infested surroundings. The unlikely duo navigated the rolling contraption, forging an unexpected bond amidst the chaos, finding moments of joy even in the face of adversity.

Eventually, you and Beatrix managed to see Akira Tendou and the remaining survivors of the village, even Mordred, Shizuka, and Kenichirou as well.

(Y/N): *Waving* Hey, everyone~!

Beatrix: Out of the way, please~!

Kenichirou: Bea?!

Mordred: (Y/N)?!

Beatrix: We cannot seem to get down, so we must crash into the electrical fence!

(Y/N): This may be hard to explain about the situation we had earlier, but yeah, move away, folks!

Akira: Everyone! Get away from the fence and open up a path!

Kenichirou: All healthy bodies, give the old folks a hand!

After everyone moved out of the way, the water wheel eventually crashes through the active electric fence as it began to fall, including the water wheel itself as you and Bea managed to jump down safely.

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