Chapter 3: A Trip to the Mall!

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-No One's P.O.V-

After rescuing Kenichirou "Kenchou" Ryuuzaki, the four of you were now current staying on the rooftop by camping after jumping from the hotel building.

Kenichirou was cooking something from the Grill. You and Mordred were playing Mortal Kombat 11. And Akira was reading a Dragon Ball Super manga and he is currently at the Moro Arc.

Akira: Man, stay-at-home camping is the best! You can't even tell we're in the middle of Tokyo!

Kenichirou: That's right~!

Mordred: *Grins* You're dead, bitch!

Mordred performs the Fatal Blow as Liu Kang as she destroys (Your Mortal Kombat character) on the spot. You were in disbelief that you lost to her for about 5 matches while you got 1.

(Y/N): No way! *Exasperated* You're still good at this, Mordred.

Mordred: I know. Have you lost your gaming skills already, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, I feel like I'm old enough to play games, but that won't stop me anyway. Besides, it's been a while since the last time I played video games after two years of studying in (College/Name).

Mordred: I get that feeling, but still, you gotta learn when to have to for yourself, (Y/N).

(Y/N): *Nonchalant* Yes, yes...

Kenichirou: Alright, you guys. The food is ready, so clear off the desk.

Kenichirou then places the plate of food on the table until you, Mordred, and Akira pray together before eating the food that Kenichirou just cooked.

Akira: *Delighted* Mm! What is this?! This is super delicious! It's seafood, but there's something different about it!

(Y/N): Yeah, what kind of food did you make, Kenchou?

Mordred: Or perhaps you added another ingredient to it?

Kenichrou: You caught on the spot~! The secret ingredient is ham.

Akira lets out a sigh before saying...

Akira: That aside, you can do anything, can't you, Kenchou? No wonder you're so popular...

Kenichirou: You idiot. *Throws the cooking spoon on the pot* A guy's gotta know how to cook. No wonder you can't get a date.

Akira's face turned into realization as he had an internal thought of not getting a date from the opposite gender until he said...

Akira: *Slams his hand on the table* I'll get one! You'll see!

Kenichirou: What about Mordred?

Mordred: *Confused* Huh? Akira's twenty-four while I'm twenty. So I don't think I could date someone who's older than me for four years forward. I'd rather date someone who is the same age as I am...

Akira: I guess you prove a point, but I'll get one anyways!

(Y/N): *Raised eyebrow* And how are you going to do that exactly?

The four of you leaned over the railings and looked down to see zombies walking around until one of the female zombies clumsily fell while farting.

(Y/N) & Mordred:

(Y/N) & Mordred:

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