Chapter 9: A Showdown!

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(A/N: Alright, before we get into this chapter. I just wanna say that both (Y/N) and Mordred will have their own screen time. Kenichirou, Akira, and other supporting characters won't have any in this chapter. My apologies if this wasn't a full based on episode 11, but if you've already seen the full episode of it, I'm sure you'll understand where it is going. The same goes for the last episode, so we won't get into details about that. Nonetheless, the chapter starts!)


-No One's P.O.V-

After the group had separated in their own ways, you were riding the horse with Beatrix Amerhauser to check on the electricity switch.

Beatrix: We need to do whatever it takes to stop the water wheel!

(Y/N): *Nods* Mm! Got it!

Beatrix then sees the water wheel in front of you two.

Beatrix: There it is!

However, the two of you can hear an engine running towards you both from the left, and it is a woman riding on a tractor. The tractor itself knocked you and Beatrix down, including the horse.

(Y/N): *Groans* Ugh, that was not cool!

As soon as you said that, the sound of a chainsaw can be heard in front of you two. It was none other than Touko Kanbayashi who followed you two and she is seen raising her chainsaw in an attempt to slice you two.

Beatrix: (Y/N), get back!

Beatrix then gets in front of you and attempts to block it with her naginata, but it is sliced through between the poles itself. Touko goes to slash at Beatrix again, only for the German girl to pull out her katana to block it again, and once again, the blade itself was sliced through the chainsaw's sharp edges of its bars.

(Y/N): *Eyeing on Touko* You...

Touko: Curios from the warring states period is nothing more than junk. Especially against me. I paced in the top four at High School Fencing Nationals two years in a row. Your samurai fangirling is no match against me *Looks at you* Same as your little metal bat.

(Y/N): Fencing, huh...?

You pulled out your metal spiked bat and stood with Beatrix while she pulled out another katana, readying for the fight.

(Y/N): We'll see about that!

-Back with Shizuka Mikazuki and Mordred Pendragon-

Shizuka: *Banging on the door* Mrs. Tome! Old Man Hiko! We have to hurry and evacuate the village!

Shizuka yells through the village door while Mordred stays on guard for zombies.

Mrs. Tome: Shizuka!

Shizuka: If a horde of zombies come, they'll easily break through this thin wooden door!

Mrs. Tome: Shizuka. Calm down and listen. We're all old and we have difficulty moving around. Old Man Hiko is mostly bedridden so we can't carry him. Listen, Shizuka. Don't worry about us old-timers who don't have much time left. Please. You and your friends must try to survive.

Shizuka: No way...

Suddenly, the sounds of banging came from the left side of the house, both Shizuka and Mordred went to the source and saw zombies.

Mordred: Shit, we've got company...

Mordred pulls out her sword and Stone Free as if she is ready to fight the zombies.

Suddenly, Shizuka starts yelling out...

Shizuka: You know what?! Mordred, we have to make them come over to us!

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