Chapter 8: Training and Devastation!

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(A/N: Alright, very sorry for the long wait! Here's the chapter of Episode 10!)

-No One's P.O.V-

So now, everyone is seen doing their usual activities around the peaceful village. Akira Tendou is seen getting some dreadlocks from the three girls who were once make-up artists directing a zombie film. Shizuka Mikazuki is seen tending to the old people because they heard that she's a doctor despite that Shizuka is just giving advice. Kenichirou Ryuuzaki is taught by one of the villagers about soil and replenishing it before he entertains a sad little girl known as Angie who lost her parents using his comedic charm. Beatrix Amerhauser is seen touring around by one of the villagers and learning about electricity and the fence to keep out zombie animals.

Now, to you and Mordred Pendragon, the two of you are seen cultivating the fields and tending to the vegetables that sustained the small community.

(Y/N): *Whistling* Ah, the simple joys of farming in the countryside. Who would've thought we'd find peace amidst all that zombie chaos?

Mordred: *Sarcastically* Yeah, because nothing says peace like dodging zombies and growing carrots.

(Y/N): *Smirking* You know, Mordred, there's a certain charm to a quiet life. Not everything has to involve punching zombies in the face.

Mordred: *Rolling her eyes* Says the guy who wields a Stand capable of stabbing zombies in the face. Silver Chariot is practically a zombie-killing machine.

(Y/N): *Leaning on your hoe* Well, a guy's gotta be prepared. Plus, it's not like you're any different with your Stone Free. Wrapping zombies up in strings, very poetic.

Mordred: *Smirking* At least I have style. Your Stand is all about fancy swordplay. Mine? It's like a dance of death.

(Y/N): *Grinning* True, true. But you can't deny the elegance of Silver Chariot's moves. It's like watching a skilled fencer in action.

Mordred: *Pretending to gag* Spare me the romance. I prefer my Stand to be more practical. Like how Stone Free can turn into a string and slip through tight spots.

(Y/N): *Chuckles* You just want an excuse to show off your acrobatics.

Mordred: *Crossing her arms* And what's wrong with that? Better than pretending to be a medieval knight.

(Y/N): *Mockingly* Oh, come on, Mordred. A bit of chivalry never hurt anyone. Maybe you'll appreciate it when I save you from a zombie horde.

Mordred: *Smirking* Save me? Please. I'll be the one saving you, and you'll owe me dinner for it.

(Y/N): *Laughs* Deal. But I hope you like canned beans because that's all we got in this apocalypse.

Mordred: *Grins* As long as I get to eat with you, I'm not complaining.

(Y/N): *Teasing* Who knew the mighty Mordred Pendragon had a soft spot?

Mordred: *Blushing* Shut up, you dork. You and I have known each other for three years. Let's just finish these crops so we can enjoy our little slice of peace.

You let out a little chuckle as you and Mordred continued working for a couple of minutes until...

Mordred: Speaking of which, how about we spice things up a bit? Our Stands could use some action.

(Y/N): *Raised Eyebrow* You mean by training?

Mordred: *Grins* Yup!

(Y/N): *Smiles* Alright, let's spice things up a bit.

Mordred leads (Y/N) to a secluded area away from prying eyes, a perfect spot for their Stand training.

The duo strolled away from prying eyes, arriving at a secluded area where the peaceful ambiance of the village gave way to a more serene, hidden spot.

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