Chapter 5: A Little Not-So Reunion...

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-No One's P.O.V-

After dealing with the Zombie Six-Legged Great White Shark and parting ways Shizuka Mikazuki from the Aquarium.

Right now, Mordred, Akira, Kenichirou, and you were at a local watch shop and looking at some coolest watches inside that were kept inside.

Akira: One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...

Akira: *Leans into the squared glass* Amazing! This solid gold watch is sick! I never would've made enough to own one on my pitiful salary at that exploitative company!

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Akira: *Leans into the squared glass* Amazing! This solid gold watch is sick! I never would've made enough to own one on my pitiful salary at that exploitative company!

Kenichirou: Oh man, Akira.

Akra: Hm?

Kenichirou: *Points* Check this out!

Akira: *Shocked* One hundred thousand, one million

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Akira: *Shocked* One hundred thousand, one million...Solid gold...ain't nothing.

(Y/N): Yo, we're back!

Mordred: We've got our own watch!

You and Mordred spoke up, interrupting the duo looking at the expensive watches.

Kenichirou: So, what kind of watches did you two get?

(Y/N): Well...

You and Mordred showed your watches that don't seem quite expensive, but they look humble.

Akira: Eh? You two aren't going for luxury?

Mordred: *Scratches the back of her head* Yeah, we'd rather be humble than just indulge in some riches.

Kenichirou: *Shrugs* Eh, whatever suits you two the best. *Excited* By the way, can you take a picture of us~?! We gotta look fancy in these watches~!

Akira: *Nods in excitement* Yeah, yeah! We wanna look cool! Here, use my phone!

You and Mordred sweat dropped at the two males before you spoke up with compliance.

(Y/N): Uh, sure. Give me a minute.

You then grabbed Akira's phone and put it into the Camera mode.

(Y/N): 1...2...3...Cheese!

And just like that, you take a few clicks on Akira's phone just for their own glory while Mordred Pendragon watches on with amusement.

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