4: Offspring

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What tingled Taehyung's senses first was the fruity saccharine scent filling his nose. He inhaled deep, basking on the nice whiff and burrowed his face against it more. It smelled of watermelon. His brain finally registered. And with it, he felt the weight that was leaning against his arm and shoulder. He released a loud satisfied sigh that caused Jungkook to stir.

He snugged on Taehyung closer, wrapping his legs around him tighter. He absentmindedly stroked his back and got rewarded with a kiss on his head. He tilted his head up, seeing his blurred but beautiful face through his half-shut lids.

Taehyung's eyes fluttered slowly and was greeted with the sight of Jungkook's features accentuated by sleep. He mindlessly leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. Jungkook softly sighed prompting Taehyung to shower his shoulder and neck with kisses.

He recalled what happened last night. He reminisced how Jungkook held him close. He remembered how his nails clawed on him, how his teeth sunk on his skin. He remembered how he screamed and begged and moaned, squirming and arching under him. He bit his lips when the memory evoked what he felt when finally came inside him.

I don't remember putting on a condom. Good thing this is just a dream. He told himself. Wait. I was with a girl.

He shut his eyes tightly, as if doing it will somehow change things.

It wasn't a dream. He acknowledged the warmth against him. Only Jeon Jungkook is part of the dream. I was really with someone last night. He breathed in, trying to get a confirmation from the smell around him.

Fuck. Did I put condom? I don't remember. Where are my clothes?

He slowly opened one eye to look at the surroundings. His face was still nestled on the contour of Jungkook's neck and shoulder. His sight landed on the shopping bags scattered on the floor. Then, he heard light snores.

Taehyung's forehead wrinkled. Slowly, he inched away.

"AHHH!!!" He screamed


Jungkook sat up, startled.

"What are you doing here?!" Taehyung asked.

"Oh no." Jungkook said, looking devastated. "Fuck. It's real."


"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. It's real. What happened is real."

"What happened?!" Taehyung probed, eyes wide with confusion.

"We had...Oh fuck. We did it. We really did it."

Jungkook frantically stood up from the bed. Taehyung followed him with his eyes. It widened when he saw Jungkook's bareness.

"Fuck." He said under his breath, his eyes focused on Jungkook's pelvis.

The younger agitatedly pulled the blanket to cover his body, revealing a red stain on the sheet.

"Fuck." Taehyung repeated when he saw it. "You have a c"– A pillow smacked on his face. "Fuck! I thought you're ambiguous, whatever that means. That is not ambiguous!" He hysterically yelled, pointing at Jungkook's lower body.

"I already had it fixed!"

"Then why the hell are you still living as a man?"

Jungkook's face fell. "It's not that easy." He replied, voice dejected and thick.

Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed, his back facing Jungkook. "I'm sorry."

Jungkook looked at him.

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