15: Never Enough

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"You have ten minutes remaining."

The proctor announced. Jungkook marked the last few items he hasn't answered. Then, he went back to the numbers he skipped. Several of the students left their seats, one by one, to submit their papers. He looked over his friends' places. Roseanne and Eunwoo's were already empty. Lisa was still confused. It was obvious in her face. Jungkook sighed and went back to the question he's reading. He can't remember it. He didn't know if he just can't or he never really had the time to read about it.

"Let's just pick number three." He mumbled. "It's always number three."

He marked its circle and quickly stacked the sheets he had. He grabbed his bag, rose and carefully walked to the front.

"Answer sheet here. Questionnaire. Then sign." The proctor pointed at three piles.

"Uh?" One reacted loudly.

"Talking is prohibited." He reminded.


Jungkook looked back. His eyes locked with the girl. Her expression was a mixture of confusion and concern.

"What's on your pants?" Another asked.

Several of the remaining students lifted their heads to look. Jungkook instinctly look at his behind. There was a splotched he can faintly see.

"Mr. Jeon?"

He felt the rear of his pants. He can't be sure. But it seemed damp.

"Is it blood?"

Lisa was already standing beside him. A buzz in the room resounded.

"Everybody quiet! Mr. Jeon?"

Jungkook was hyperventilating. "Gukkie."


"He's going to fall off." He began to cry.

"Who?" Lisa asked, confused.

"My baby." He hugged his abdomen. "I might lose my baby."

"Help!" She screamed. "Eunwoo!"

"What is going on?!"

Despite his shaking knees, Jungkook stayed still. Fearing that any type of movement will cause him to miscarry. Lisa ran to the door.

"Mr. Jeon? Somebody go to the clinic!"

Jungkook lost sense of everything around him. He was just there, sobbing, paralyzed by the fear.

"Carry him!"


"We'll bring him to the hospital!"

"What is happening?!"

"Just carry him!"

"Kook, I'm going to lift you. Don't worry. I got you. Okay?"

Eunwoo carried him in his arms. They exited the room and the building and crossed the grounds of the university towards the parking lot.

"I don't understand. What happened to him?" He tearfully asked.

They passed by several students who were gawking.

"I'll tell you in the car. Faster."

Roseanne has started the car to meet them. They quickly hopped in when they arrived at the parking lot.

"I already called Mr. Jang. We're meeting them at the hospital." Roseanne said as they left the university.

"What is happening? Are you sick?" Eunwoo asked Jungkook who was still mutely crying beside him. "Jungkook."

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