10: Peachy

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Seokjin and Namjoon were fixing Taehyung's belongings for his move out. Seokjin was neatly folding his son's clothes into a luggage while Namjoon was putting his stuff in crates and boxes.

"Did you label them? Don't forget to label the boxes and put similar items in one box. Or he'll be incessantly calling us, looking for things."

Namjoon stopped. "I'll have to start over." He said, frustrated.

"I'm almost done. I'll help you in a bit."

Namjoon looked over at a pile of clothes on the floor. "What about those?"

"They'd look like rags where he'll live. I'll buy him new ones."

"Maybe Jungkook wouldn't mind."

"I'm sure he won't. But what if the Jeons come for a surprise visit?"

Namjoon just smiled and released a huff. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Seokjin said.

He went out of the front door and towards the gate. From inside, he can already see the canopy of a large umbrella.

"Is it Hoseok?" He muttered to himself.

When he swung the gate open, he was greeted by Jungkook's beaming face. He was accompanied by four men in dark suits. Three of them were carrying large boxes. He can make out the top of a bottle of wine in one of them. Just like his father. Hoseok loves to shower them with gifts every time he visits.

"Jungkook, Taehyung's with his mom."

"I know. I just..." He showed a shy smile. "I thought I haven't really spent time with you and Mr. Namjoon."

The gesture instantly shot warmth in Seokjin's heart. "You're too sweet. Come in. The house is messy though. We're packing Taetae's things."

He looked back at Jungkook. "He's supposed to do it himself. But I figured he might put it off until the last minute. Can you accept that? That's just how he is."

The younger just smiled warmly.

"Oh. Jungkook." Namjoon cleared a space on the couch for him to sit. "Taehyung's not here."

"He's not here for him."


"You want something to drink?"

"A glass of water, please."

"Okay. Sit."

Jungkook sat down and watched Namjoon seal a box. He roamed his eyes among the other stuff lying on the floor and on the low table.

"We're just packing the things he needed for work." Namjoon explained. "And a few he might like to bring with him."

He saw a trumpet amongst the things.

"He's playing?"

"He tried." Seokjin interrupted, in his hands were a glass of water and a plate of hotteok topped with ice cream. "Abandoned it after a few weeks."

"He might want to continue though." Namjoon added.

"That was three years ago."

Jungkook giggled.

Seokjin let out a short laugh. "You find him amusing? I feel like I should warn you. Taehyung is not perfect. People might consider him a catch. You know, because of his face. But he's very flawed. At twenty nine, he still acts like a kid. Cannot do many things. He's messy, unorganized and kind of a slacker. He likes to always put off things until he's rushing at the last minute. And he moves really slowly. He doesn't listen. But he's a people pleaser. Others' opinions are very important to him. He makes bad decisions. Stupid decisions. And he will continue to do so. But I hope you see past all of it. He's very flawed. But he's a good kid. He's gentle, thoughtful and responsible. He forgives easily. Among other admirable things. He's a good person."

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