3rd page : "The ritual of poverty"

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Dear diary,

I am a bit surprised... Actually, "shocked" would be a more appropriate term.

Three days ago, while I was wandering after work on the main square, I saw two people gesticulate in public. I was curious about what they were doing, so I came closer to them. It's quite unusual to see two persons dancing on the street in Fontaine. When I approched, I understood. These two sillies were my friends. Lyney and Lynette. And they were not dancing : They were performing a hillichurl's ritual... I felt ashamed for them and scared for the people around at the same time...

When they saw me in the public, they smiled at me (well, Lyney did at least. Lynette never smiled). I gave them a look of absolute confusion and judgment, to the point that they made a break in their performance to come and talk to me. Let me write the whole conversation (I still can't believe what happened really happened...) :

Lyney : Hi, my dear friend ! You look upset. What's wrong ? Did something bad happened to you ?

Me : Yes.

Lyney : What is it then ? Do you want to talk about it ?

Me : Yeah, I do. Can we distance ourselves a little bit from the crowd ?

Lyney : Of course.

So we went behind a large building, where it was quieter.

Lyney : So tell us, what's bothering our dearest guard of the court's prisons ?

Me : You.

Lynette : You mean him ?... Or us ?

Me : Both of you creeps.

Lyney : And... What did we do to lead you to make such a statement ?

Me : I'm gonna respond to your question by another one : Why the heck would you perform a hillichurl's ritual on the streets ?! Have you lost your minds ?

Lyney : Oh, so that's what it is...

Me : What do you mean ?

Lynette : I told you it sounded weird. But once again you didn't listen to me for the sake of the show... and money.

Me : What are you talking about Lynette ? Lyney, care to explain ??

Lyney : Well, uh... Okay... To put it simply, Lynette and I have been in a bit of an impass lately. Our last shows didn't make as much sucess as we hoped they'd do...

Me : So you decided to try yourselves at performing street shows to make more money ?

Lyney : Yeah... It's quite embarrassing to admit... But such is life as an artist, there will always be high and low moments in our career.

Me : Yeah yeah, I understand, but that's not the point. Even if it's uncomun to do this type of representations, do as you wish you too. The thing is... Why the hillichurl's ritual ??...

Lyney : Oh, uh...

Me : Is this some kind of modern art ? A new way to impress the spectators ?? I have nothing against inovation, but don't you think it's going too far ?...

Lynette : That's what I told him. We don't even know what this type of rituals can do to us and the people around. But he is too stubborn...

Lyney : Well, we didn't know it was a hillichurl's ritual in the first place. To tell you the details behind the scene, we were searching ideas for our project of organizing a show on the street. And then suddendly, when we were walking in a small and dark alley, a man approched us and shared with us his idea of doing this dance during our next show ! It was the perfect timing, and he seemed to be a kind hearted man.

Me : You mean y'all spend several minutes doing this dance, trying to learn it from this man ?...

Lyney : No, just the man and me were dancing. Lynette didn't want to join even though the old man said it'll be better if we were three.

Lynette : This person didn't have the look of a "kind hearted man" to me...

Me : Someone you don't know approching you in a small and dark alley is a bit of a scaring scenario to begin with...

Lynette : Exactly, and he had a hood and a cape.

Me : Even worse...

Lyney : You are too suspicious Lynette ! I can tell you by experience that I know how to recognize a mean person when I see one !

Me : Still isn't proving he had good intentions...

Lynette : So Lyney learned the dance and taught it to me too. This is how we ended up doing...this.

Lyney : If I knew it was a hillichurl's ritual, I wouldn't have done it... This man really is a quirked one to be able to fool a magician like me !

Me : Yeah, I can tell... Anyway, we need to report him to the police. A man like him can't continue to road in the citie like a rat, he probably have evil plans. Do you know his name ?

Lyney : Yes ! He didn't tell us, but when he was leaving after teaching me the dance, he knocked something over. I think it was his identity card or something... It was a Snezhnayan one. He doesn't have a surname, but his first name is "Pierro" apparently.

And after this, Lyney and Lynette didn't have a choice but to end the show here, since they did not planed another thing to perform after the hillichurl's ritual.

An investigation has been opened, but it seems like this man already left Fontaine. Not my guess, but Wriothesley's one. And Wriothesley is somehow always right about those things.

It was a very particular experience, that I don't want to live ever again in my life. When I said I wanted my life to be a little more intersting, I didn't mean events like this to take place... Jeez, thank the archons I came at the right time to distract and then stop them from their performance... I won't even dare imagine what could've happened if they finished it... Knowing the old man probably had bad plans for Fontaine, people could have turn into oceanids because of this, or bread because of the "oui oui baguette" joke known in the entierty of Teyvat, I bet that Sneznahyan would have found it funny...

But it's weird that nothing happened when Lyney and the culprit hooded man did that dance... Otherwise, Lyney would have mentionned it. Maybe it's because they weren't three doing the dance, lmao. Or maybe it is the power of Lynette's nonchalance and judgmental eyes on her brother that stopped the ritual from currently working...hm...

And so unfortunately, Lyney and Lynette are still living in poverty. I already gave them a part of my salary of the month, and promised to bring them food every time I pay them a visit. I can't do much for them, not being myself a very rich person... (considering that my mom lost her job recently so we only have a trainee salary to survive with...)

I mean, I did the most I can do for now. What else can I do honsetly, Give them my house ? Lmao.

Wait, someone just knocked at the door.


Oh no.

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