10th page : "When Navia decides to shit on our work (we still love her though)"

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Dear diary,

You heard me. Not litteraly, of course. I still can't believe my eyes... But when I arrived this morning at the prisons, already bored of all the non-work I'll have to do today... Let's say that the universe had reserved a little surprise for me and my coworkers.

Innocently, I pushed the door saying a loud "Hello !", but I got no answer from anyone.

"They must be in a bad mood... As long as they don't accuse me to have break the coffee machine like last time, that's alright" I simply told myself.

Do I was prepared to find my collegues laying inconscious on the ground with all the cells they were supposed to guard wide open and no more prisoners in the said cells ? Absolutly not. But I still had to deal with it.

Fortunately, Wriothesley came only 2 minutes after I discovered this, so I didn't have to resolve this problem alone. We were checking the guardians to first be sure they are alive, and second trying to say what was the crime weapon that knocked them out, when Sigewinne ran to us, completly freaked-out. Monsieur Neuvillette was following her with a bunch of police officer and fighters including Clorinde.

Sigewinne said that after she saw the scene of crime, she immediatly reported it to the nearest police station. The officiers then went followed the little girl to the prisons, and inspected everything. They didn't find any lead about the location of the culprit, just his crime. So as the the procedure requirse to do, they informed the appropried superior autority about this, and they would decide weither or not an investigation should be launched. The required autority in that case was Monsieur Neuvillette.

He quickly looked at some victims, took a look around, and declared :

"You may start an investigation."

And leaved just like that. Now you see him now you don't...
Sigewinne was still huging me (because Wriothesley was clearly not comfortable with it so she came to me) as the officers begin to securize the zone.

And from this moment, as guardians of the prisons cells and not investigators of cases, we weren't allowed to go near the crime scene anymore. But we still tried to make our own theories about the identity of the culprit.

Me : I have no idea of what kind of person this could be, but whoever this person is, she surely have some guts and great connexions to be able to do such a thing. We are talking about the court's prisons after all... What do you think Wriothesley ?

Wriothesley : Hm...

And I know that this "hm" means that he have his own suggestions but don't want to share it...

Then, some time passed during which I tried to sneak near the securized zone to investigate by myself a little, but it ended pointless : I'm not a spy so I got caught immidiatly each time. But I know someone who has the spy profile...

Wriothesley : Hum, no.

Me : You're not curious to learn more about this ? And what about your speculations about the criminal ? They could be confirmed.

Wriothesley : The cops are already investigating this. That's not my job to help them if they don't ask my help, and I don't care about satisfying some kind of delusion of yours.

Me : What delusion are you talking about, it's curiosity !

Sigewinne : I'd like to know soon as possible the identity of the culprit... This is a little scary.

Wriothesley : What, scary ? Now you're acting like you didn't see and heard of worst cases when working with me in the past.

Sigewinne : I do, but we were never the targets of the criminals... What if they kill us tonight in our sleep ?

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