6th page : "Who gave Sigewinne to Wriothesley ?..."

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Dear diary,

The last couple of days were more agited then I thought. Freminet being kidnapped, the pain au chocolat problem, and the hillichurl's ritual... All of that in a row. But when all those things happened, Lyney and Lynette were with me. However this time, I was friendless when I assisted to this horror movie.

I was walking through the prison, cheking the cells and the prisoners, when I saw Wriothesley holding Sigewinne in a way that makes her stand on the edge of an open window.

I did not signed up to see a child fall from the highest floor of the prison.

I ran to them and screamed at Wriothesley


As I picked up Sigewinne so she could rest on the floor, I continued...

Me : Letting the child laying on the edge of the window, seriously ?! What if she had fall ?!

Wriothesley : Wait, that's not what you think-

And at this exact moment, Neuvillette appeared from nowhere and stared into our souls. Saying nothing.

Sigewinne : Thank you Wriothesley and cells' gardian ! I was very scared...

At this moment, I understood that Sigewinne is the one who got herself here, and Wriothesley only tried to help her... Neuvillette turned his back without a word. Damn, we almost got fired.

After this incident, I apologized to my collegue. But sometime after that, I saw him with Sigewinne once again, and this time I was furious.

I was a mile away when I heard that :

Wriothesley : Yes, end him.

Sigewinne : Do I really have to ?...

Wriothesley : Yeah you do. Do you want to be a cop like me when you grow up ? Then kill this guy.

Sigewinne : But...

Wriothesley : My archon, you are too sensitive...

I ran to them again.

Me : HEY STOP THAT ! What is it this time, don't you dare tell me it's an other misunderstanding, I clearly heard what you said !!

Sigewinne was crying, as Wriothesley turned to look at me. He had the same surprised look as earlier on his face. I pushed him aside, and I saw it. It wasn't soemone, begging for his life laying on the ground... But an otter trying to escape the trap he was stucked into.

Me : Oh...

Wriothesley : I don't want to offend you, but can you stop your agressive accusations on me ? It offens me.

Me : Sorry... But you have to admit that it is a very suspicious thing when you hear it out of context though.

Wriothesley : I know, but it's the second time of the day that you run and shout at me for something I wasn't doing. Next time, try to know the context before you act like the unfriendly dogs of the prison.

Me : Yeah, I'll do... But you still made her cry.

Sigewinne was almost drowning on her own tears...

Wriothesley : Come on now, it's not a big deal to kill an otter, is it ? And she was the one who wanted her legs for her new drink idea.

Me : Otter's legs as an ingredient ? In a drink ?? Anyways, I think she wanted YOU to kill the otter and bring her the legs...

Wriothesley : She need to grow up. If she wants something, she must go get it herslef like a girlboss.

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