7th page : "Freminet's dish..."

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Dear diary,

I don't know in which universe I'm currently living, but it can't be the one I always known. My life is so different since some couple of weeks... I know Iv'e been telling this for some pages already. However, Iv'e noticed that since the day I got this diary (you), more and more strange things keep happening. So I think it's time for you to reveal which power you're truly holding mh ?

Okay, I'll stop with my jokes.

But I must tell that something REALLY big happened this time.

And it's all because of Freminet.

It's kinda ironic how he's the one to avoid troubles at all cost, but he caused such chaos that even his siblings wouldn't be able to compete with him.

So, one day, in the middle of the ocean, the blond scuba diver had an idea :

"Those sea creatures really are beautiful... Why not cook them ?"

Freminet was looking for a dish of his own, and he thought he found the ingredients...
So he grabbed a fish, and killed him with his bare hands. He then proceed to offer the same fate to many others... But when he rejoined the surface, one fish slipped out of his hand, and stayed in the waters.

Then, happy to cook his fishes, Freminet went back at home. But what he didn't know was that he unintentionnaly contaminated the fish still laying in the sea with his hands. They were soaked with a chemical product which is deadly to the sea population, but not to humans.

And then, other fishes found the body of the contamined fish, and started to eat it like... so the got contamined too...

Basically, this how all the waters in Fontaine has been poisened for a whole week and more. Because even though humans had no risks to be contamined by the chemical product itself, the fact that it went into fish bodies has transformed it a little bit, and now its toxic for us too. How fun.

So when the court learnt the problem, Freminet knew it was his fault and denounced himself.

The wolf bastard even told me : "Dumb kid. He could have lived a happy life without being judged, since this water problem will probably be fixed in three weeks at best."

At the end of the day, Wriothesley was once again right : Like I said, the issue was fixed in a week ans a half...

When Freminet was standing infront of Monsieur Neuvillette and the Hydro Archon, he was shaking. Bro has gone to prison for the whole water-epidemic season... At least I had soemone to chat with which is not an asshole or a kid (-I still love my friend Wriothesley and his daughter-).

During the apocalypse, there was two types of people : the ones that panicked, and the ones that were screaming internally as well as externally. Of course, all of my friends and me were the second case ! Everyone of us had our role :

Wriothesley and I had to go outside more often to be sure that nobody drinks any water out of desperate. When one of us was out, the other was guarding the prisons alone.

Sigewinne was the emotional support I guess ? I mean shes a kid, what can we expect from her, its not her job to help us.

Monsieur Neuvillette was the emotional damage. He was the one who anounced all the bad news to the public and had to dodge all the newspapers' questions. He was also propbably pretty stressed out by the Hydro Archon who always called him when he finally had sometime for himself to discuss about a solution (he told her many time that he had no idea and we could only wait).

Clorinde was the one commanded to find and capture the culprit of this chaos, aka Freminet. When he denounced himself, she was charged to help Navia.

Navia had to provide an alternative source of hydration to the population. The drinks she was giving to the people was like soda and wasnt really dehydrating them, but at least it allowed all of us to survive (and increased a bit our risk of diabet by the way...) She also provided free recipes of food in which water isnt necessary to use.

Charlotte of course helped with the information of what was going on by warning the public.

Well, Freminet was in prison...

But Lyney and Lynette weren't, so they helped by keeping the mental estate of everyone not too low, but also with the community service : they cleaned up the road and the streats from all poisened water they could see.

Arlecchino even joined in : she also was doing community service. When she saw Lyney and Lynette doing the same thing as her, she approchead them and said that she will not get revenge now for the recipe story, but that the reason why she kidnapped Freminet even though she knew very well Lyney Lynette and him and they saw eachother as usual the day before this happened, is because one time two weeks ago he had an "unforgivable behavior" towards her. So she punished him (and his siblings at the same time) in her own... special way...
The three siblings are used to her weird punishements but Lyney wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible this night. I know, when its said like that, its hard to believe that they are actually in good terms most of the time (At least from what Iv'e understand... None of them three often talk to me about the details of their past and their current relationship with Arlecchino and the House of Earth...). Anyways, she assured Lyney that he will get punished too one day or another. And asked him for the Fire-Water recipe again. Lyney didnt have it, and told her the truth. She was even more angry...

Anyways, thanks to everyone's help, the epidemic case has been solved ! Freminet was judged to spend 5 years in prison, but after some time his siblings came to rescue him. They told the Hydro Archon that they needed their brother to be able to make their shows even if he's not part of it. After many negotations, the last thing the Hydro Archon wanted was Lyney en Lynette's magic shows to be canceled, so she freed Freminet under the judgmental eyes of Monsieur Neuvillette.

I'm happy that Freminet isn't in trouble anymore. What a story... He's so calm and preventive usually, who could have predicted that he will be the source of the public's panic...

We still love him though, I guess he wasn't aware for a second of the danger of what he was doing at the moment... It happens even to the best of us.

And so for his special dish, I suppose he thought it was a better idea to just go buy some sea food to a fishmonger... (he gave up on the fishes though)

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