4th page : "The bakery"

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Nda : The "pain au chocolat" is the French pastry that you can see on the first image on the bottom. I don't know if it's called an other way in English, but this is the name we give it in French.

Dear diary,

To this day, I still don't understand one thing : How is it that this thing :

If you want only one of them at the bakery, costs approximately as much as this thing :

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If you want only one of them at the bakery, costs approximately as much as this thing :

If you want only one of them at the bakery, costs approximately as much as this thing :

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And then they want to talk about justice... But what's fair when something as rare in Teyvat as fuel share the same price with a simple pain au chocolat ? Are we talking about a tresor or a pastry ? And for only one of those things ! Damn, it's just two chocolate bars with some pie rolled up around it. But it's like if it was part of a cult... I mean okay, it's a speciality that you can only find here in Fontaine, but...

Life is too expensive man. My wallet is tired and empty.

I was discussing about it with my homeless friends who doesn't want to leave my house. And Lyney agreed with everything I said politely, but I think he was faking it so I can stop complaining. Lynette didn't said anything, but I saw in her eyes that she wished tea was a little more reacheable in it's price for her broke ass brother to buy her more of it.

Anyway, we wanted to do something new : with our cooking skills, we would prove that baking a pastry like a pain au chocolat wasn't difficult, and the we didn't need to go buy an expensive one at the bakery ! That was the mindset we were up with. Or should I say I was... Because even though the siblings were okay to do this with me, it really was the best option for them that I suddendly wanted to cook pastrys, because they didn't have the money to buy even one pain au chocolat anyway...

So, determined with my goal of spending less money on a little pastry (and with the desire of eating one actually), Lyney, Lynette and me went to the store. We bought what we needed, and went home. But when we happened to actually be in front of all the things we brought to the house, we had the thought...

"Damn, but we don't know how to bake a pain au chocolat."

If only I had a cooking book at home, we would have been saved. But I didn't. Since the day my mom prefered to buy the food already made for the first time, one week after, all trace of any cooking recipe has been gone forever.

So we just stood there with shame on us, before Lyney ask "Does really nobody know the recipe ?..." and a complete silent followed his question, as an akward answer.

But, stubborn as I was, I declared that we will try to make at least one pain au chocolat anyway.

Lyney told me, "As you wish, but it's not a good idea... Are you sure you don't want to-"

And I coldly replied, "My house, my rules."

I admit it, I was being mean. So I shouldn't stop now that I started, right ?

Me : Lyney, since you don't believe in my cooking intuition skills, you can use your magic talents to make disepear all the mess we will make once we are finished, mh ?

Lyney : Ahah, I hope you're joking... And now it's not just the cooking skills, the "intuition" also sneaked in between ?

I just gave up on him (in a way, I was the wrong one here so...) and lucky him that I didn't want Lyney to clean after us anymore, because what a mess we did... And also lucky me that my mom didn't go back home from her little trip in Mondstadt before we finished with the kitchen. Finnaly, I recognized my bad behaviors and apologized to Lyney.

Me : I admit that you deserve more kindness from me for your help and your loyalty, even if you are still homeless my friend.

After that, of course, we didn't ate the pain au chocolat that we didn't made. So after some hours with an empty stomac, we started starving. And when we looked in the fridge for some snacks, we frozed. There was litteraly nothing, and I'm not overdramatizing this. I cheked my wallet, and saw the 5$ laying here with a lot of space for it, because it was the only money that left.

Lyney : So ? How much do you have ?

Me : Only 5$ for the three of us...

Lyney : Oh...

Lynette : Perfect. It's enough for three pains au chocolat, isn't it ?

Lyney and I stared at her intensely.


We lost a battle but not the war. I'll prove myself to this consumer society another day. For now, we really need those pastrys.

So we went to the bakery. We were welcomed warmely by Navia, who works here sometimes to help one of her friend to make more money, since she is a well-knwow model in Fontaine, and her presence only attract more costumers.

She didn't understood why I gave her this look of hatred.

Navia : Say Lyney, do you know why they are side-eyeing me like that ?

Lyney : Oh, don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong ! They just are... Let's say, in a bad mood today.

Navia : Oh really ? What happened ?? They are always so kind and sweet to me usually.

Lynette : Don't try to understand, Navia. It's just the way they are sometimes.

Navia : If you say so...

Now you may ask, "If you heard what they were saying, why did you not interupt them to tell Navia your problems ? She could have discussted it with the owner of the bakery and maybe they would have lowerd the prices" well, like Lyney and Lynette said, I just wasn't in the mood. I angrily took the pains au chocolats and left.

Now that I think about it, I probably should have told Navia "Goodbye" when we left the bakery instead of "If the destiny allows our sides to meet again next time, maybe". Wait...

Oh no...
Does it sound like I intended to murder her on her sleep ?

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