Trust pt. 2

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Jungkook Pov ..

Great now I have started shuttering.

I realised now she was saying something..

Y/n : if you don't mind? Then can I go to my home? To grab my stuff like clothes, shoes and my office related files and all?

Wait, she works? Nevermind, I have to respect her work at least. She wants her to stay with me.

Jungkook : okay. But what do you work queen?

Y/n : what queen? Anyways, I'm a chartered Accountant.

Jungkook : Queen you. Anyways, that's great.

She just hummed.

Y/n : so may I?

Jungkook : huh?

Y/n : can leave for my house?

Jungkook : I am coming to help.

Y/n : you don't have any work to do?

Jungkook : free for you bae * winked *

Y/n : yeah yeah ok.

Y/n Pov ..

He winked. Why? Anyways. I think this drama will have no end.

I asked..

Y/n : when are we leaving?

Jungkook : get freshen up. Have something for breakfast after then we'll.

Y/n : okay. But I don't have a brush.

Jungkook : I have a spare. I'll get it for you wait.

I hummed. He came back after 5 minutes and I grabbed the brush from his hands and went to the bathroom and thought how gross it is, that he kissed me without even brushing (audience laughs)..

Nevermind, it's just him. I feel. I rolled my eyes .

And started getting freshen up. I after starting 15 minutes I came out from the restroom. And saw him sitting on the bed..

I said .
Y/n : you can go now

Jungkook : I'm fresh. I mean got freshen up in the guest room's restroom.

Y/n : okay. What about breakfast?

Jungkook : yes it's ready let's go ..

Y/n : did you make it?

Jungkook : no, the maids .

Wait, is he that rich to keep maids around? But at the same time I it hit me that yes he is rich because his mansion is lavish/royal.

We want down saw a big dinning table. We sai I sat far away from him. Not taking the opposite seat to sit. In short, I didn't want to sit just infront of him. Aaah!

Jungkook came and sit beside. Well great. Life couldn't get any better. I looked at him and he looked at me..

I had no words to say, so I settled down quietly.

The maids served us the breakfast.

After 15 minutes

We are now done with our breakfast.

I said while wipping my hand.

Y/n : can we go now?

Jungkook : yes, let's go.

To be continued -

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