Met In The Bar Pt. 2

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The moment he saw her he skipped a beat of his heart.

Meanwhile Y/n

I came into the bar, I don't usually but today I felt like I needed some alcohol, especially, red wine and whiskey.

So I came here, I ordered something for myself and ofc I ordered some snacks because I didn't want to get drunk.

I always have a habit of carrying waterbottle whenever I come out for drink! Because it helps reduce the toxic-ness.

So, I was just sitting and was using my phone and I felt that someone was staring at me. Tbh, whenever I come to a bar I always wear a very descent attire.

I was wearing an off white colour tshirt, on the top of it a white shirt with a black coloured leathered jeans and the upper tshirt tugged in it. And for shoes, I was wearing a black coloured sneakers (heavy one).

Nevermind, 5 minutes passed and I was still feeling like as if I'm being stared. It made me feel uneasy. I rose up my eyes to see who exactly it was and saw the one who was sitting right beside me staring at me.

The moment I looked at him, I felt something in my stomach. I was feeling something not familiar what is going on?

If I had to describe his face so he had born orbs, with a perfect jaw line and a narrow chin. His cheek bones are just as perfect and his lips oh my god, I wish I had words for those. His nose is perfect according to his a bit oval shape. His forehead seems wide but he has covered it with his hair bangs. His hair are a bit tall yet look perfect.

It was just 2 seconds eyes contact, and I portrayed his face. Wow me. Nevermind I never thought of someone could look this good.

Meanwhile Jungkook,

The moment she looked at me and then into my eyes, it made crazy a bit and was just curious to know, what's her name?

So I made a move and said

Jungkook :  what's your name?

At first she didn't reply me she thought that I was talking to someone else. Then I slightly tapped on her shoulder and made her look at me..

Jungkook : hey, I just asked you about your name!
Y/n : hey, but who are you? And why you want to know my name?
Jungkook : I am Jeon Jungkook, and you're ?
Y/n : Oh. I am Y/n .

Y/n ,

I don't know why he talked to me. Now the drink was consuming me slowly. Because I have been drinking it for the last 20 minutes now and I was kind of getting drunk. But i am sober enough to make my mind run in a right direct.

After 15 minutes,

She just put her head on the bar's table after paying the bill. She was very drunk. She took out her bottle of water but had no energy to gulp down because she is toxic at the very moment. Then she just got up from her sit but fall, but wasn't completely fall because the man was still sitting beside her.


I was observing Y/n, for so long now. The time I was staring at her she didn't bother to look at me maybe because she was okay by my stares * laughs *

But the moment she got up and started walking but couldn't balance I caught he in my arms. Her eyes were closed and her head was loosely flying here and there like a drunk woman. I thought it was cute but couldn't control my laughs and thought if she couldn't control then way drink too much?

To be continued -

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