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"Maisie" Lip stood up from his seat when he heard a noise come from the girls mouth. "Lip" she struggled to get out but managed her eyes fluttering open. "Oh thank fuck for that" he let out a sigh of relief thankful the girl was finally awake.

He walked over to the door telling the rest of the group she was awake and they all came piling in one after the other. "Hey Maisie, Mickey says he hopes you get better soon and don't steal his stuff" Ian said censoring and changing some of the things Mickey had actually said.

Maisie let out a light chuckle smiling when she saw Mandy break through the crowd of people immediately hugging into her. "Never do that again" she whispered wiping the tears from her eyes and taking in the smell of her sister. "I love you" Maisie smiled which took Mandy by surprise due to the family never really saying them words a lot.

"I love you too" she sniffed running a hand through her sisters hair and stroking her forehead to soothe her. "Hey Maisie, I got you this" Carl handed the girl a teddy bear with a balloon tied to it that read 'get well soon.'

"Thanks Carl" she smiled sitting up slowly to give him a hug to which he actually hugged back. Debbie was next to give the girl a hug followed by Fiona who kissed the girl on the forehead. Kev and V walked into the room just as everyone started to clear out.

"Hey" she smiled her eyes getting heavy after saying hi to everyone and having to give them hugs. "Hey sweetie, we were worried about you, gave everyone a fright" Veronica laughed giving the girl a tight hug while she tried not to cry.

"Yeah you had a whole search party out looking for you" Kev joined in sitting down at the end of her bed telling the girl how many people actually cared for her. "Here's a card, Ethel made you it" the man reached into V's bag grabbing it out and putting it on her night stand.

"We'll leave you to rest, get some sleep" Kev smiled kissing her on the forehead and turning the lights of in the room. "Hey Kev" Maisie called after the man and he turned round to face her in shock. "Thank you for everything" she smiled before lying herself down and closing her eyes trying to get some sleep.


Monica lay a tray of burnt food out on the table as everyone sat staring at it in disgust. "There, I hope everybody's hungry. There you go, Ian, it's your favorite." she sliced some up and placed it on Ian's plate smiling at him sweetly.

"What is it?" he questioned. "Lasagna." she deadpanned and he looked down at the plate wondering what the hell the woman had actually done to it to make it look so unrecognizable. "Carl, could you start passing the salad, please?" she asked and he looked over at Fiona who winked at him nodding her head and telling him to just do what she says.

"Monica is Liam's mother, and I know you won't be happy, but..." Bob started up and everyone rolled her eyes sick to death of hearing the woman's voice go on about the same thing everytime they saw her.

"Jesus, Bob, can we just enjoy our dinner and then talk after...?" Monica snapped while smiling at the woman trying not to lose her cool. "Talk about what?" Debbie asked picking around at the food that sat on her plate.

"Where's Lip?" Monica asked realising there was a spare seat at the table. "Had something to do. Its been a long day" Ian reminded her about Maisie being in hospital but she seemed to have either forgotten about it or just wasn't listening in the first place.

"He's not coming?" she pouted sitting down at the table and looking over at the door to see Frank running in taking his hat and jacket off.

"Sorry I-I'm late. Did I miss the chow? Ooh... looks good." he sat down digging into the food straight away while everyone else refused to touch theirs. "If you called us here to tell us that you're taking Liam and leaving again, we don't want to hear it." Fiona snapped looking down the table at her mother.

Teenage dirtbag|| shameless season 1Where stories live. Discover now