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"Your Maisie's guardians" a stern man questioned holding his glasses closer to his eyes to get a better look. "Yes we adopted her last year" V smiled running a hand down her dress nervously. "Oh congratulations but you will need to add that to some paperwork" the man smiled placing several pieces of paper out in front of them along with a pen.

"We've been called here to discuss Maisie's behavioural problems so lets just get to that" Kev smiled putting the paper in V's bag and the pen behind his ear. "Yes, yes right, erm this is Maisie's english work if you would just read it through" the man stuttered placing the book in front of the couple.

"As you can see, we were supposed to write a descriptive piece about a haunted house"

"Which she did" Kev cut him off not understanding what was the mans problem. "Yes she did but when asked read it out which she did so, a lot of the students did get very freaked out, some went home telling parents which caused a lot of complaints and some even walked out the class crying or throwing up, one boy even wet himself" the man explained calmly the group of three stifling laughs at the explanation.

"If you turn to the next page she was asked to describe the perfect family but instead of doing that she wrote about a father who abused his children, a brother who had a drawer full of guns and beat people up for fun and then a sister who in her own words 'taught her how to dress like a slut'" the man gulped as V and Kev's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes well she had a difficult previous family clearly" V huffed starting to pick her bag up but the man stopped her. "One final thing, Maisie has shown to have made great friendships with both Carl and Debbie Gallagher but she still continues to make other students life torture, last week she slammed a boys head into a window threatening to chop his balls off in her words saying 'take one look at me again and I will cut your dick off so then you won't have one to use' and then after saying 'it wouldn't be a waste of a dick, I bet it's tiny, I don't think it would be enjoyable', when we asked for her reason she simply stated he was making inappropriate gestures at her before then showing these gestures to the teacher" the mans face started to dye a shade of red.

"So basically he deserved it" Kev pieced his brows together wondering why this school seemed to not condone a single thing. "Well we like to think of this school as a safe place and if Maisie comes to school dressed in very little amounts of clothing and threatening people as well as jumping them, it isn't very safe, causing children to be afraid to come in. Maisie should have came and spoke to a member of staff instead of doing what she did"

"Hold on so your saying that boy did what he did because of what she wearing and he couldn't help it" Kev yelled getting up from his seat and brushing his hair back out his face. "No I'm just simply stating Maisie shouldn't come to school dressed the way she dresses but then complain when boys make inappropriate gestures towards her" the man basically said what Kev had accused him of but tried to make it seem less dickish.

"Maybe you should be teaching boys to control themselves instead of telling Maisie what she can and can't wear" Kev snapped grabbing Maisie's hand and taking her out the room V following behind.

"How did yours go" Fiona asked meeting the face of an angry Kev. "This school is ridiculous" he scoffed shaking his head as V joined Fiona's hip hugging her. They didn't need to ask how there's went based on the smiles sat on each of their faces.

"Daddy!" Debbie screeched as she saw Frank in the distance joined with Karen. "Debbie, we got to go." Fiona told her looking over at the man in disappointment. "I want to say hi to Daddy. Daddy!" she waved over at the man a smile spread across her face.

"Hello, pumpkin!"

"Karen, what's going on?" Lip questioned looking at the blonde girl in surprise. "Well, you said you never come to these, so, I thought that you weren't gonna come, and so, I asked Frank to stand in for my worthless father." Karen muttered going quieter towards the end of her sentence when she noticed the tears filled in almost all of the Gallagher's eyes.

"Did they expel Carl?" Frank asked and Carl averted his gaze to the floor showing no interest in the man. Fiona shook her head trying to continue walking but Frank stopped them. "What I tell you? Drama and threats all for naught." he laughed as Maisie rolled her eyes at the man.

"Come on, guys. Let's go." Fiona smiled pushing everyone past the man not giving him anymore attention. "Dickhead" Maisie muttered as she walked past the man who's face looked over at the family who walked past him as if they didn't know him.

Kev and V shoved her forward hearing the word coming out her mouth trying not to laugh at her.

"Carl, we're serious. The stakes are really, really high. We love you, and we need you in this family. In this house. You need to stop biting and punching and hurting people." Fiona told the boy calmly grabbing hold of his hand.

"Well, how else do I make them cry?" he questioned, Maisie smirking at his response. "Gossip and slander." Lip suggested, Maisie humming in agreement. "Yeah one time I told the whole school that Jerry Linoker didn't have a dick and he was actually a girl, his dad beat Mickey up but it was worth it" Maisie smiled remembering back to the time.

"You know, when I get really angry, I usually just count to ten." Steve joined in and Maisie gurned her face up yawning at the mans response. "Well that's just a bit boring isn't it" she scoffed, Lip biting his lip to stop himself from laughing at the girl.

"Hey, little man, tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna get you some pads and some skates. Get you out on the ice. You can take your frustrations out with a hockey stick." Lip nodded his head trying to make it sound exciting.

"Yeah. You can come to karate with me. Remember when I broke Kyle Boozlee's leg? It took three pins to put it back together, huh?" Ian laughed reminding the boy what happened a couple months ago. "You can't beat karate when it comes to regulated, sanctioned violence for children." Debbie joined in Maisie tilting her head having no idea what half the words Debbie had just said meant.


"Lip, my man." a boy around Lip's age walked into the front room and Lip walked in to greet him. "They invalidated my score!" he went to hit Lip but he quickly dodged out the way moving round so he was around Carl, Debbie, Ian and Maisie hoping the boy wouldn't come near now.

"sh*t! I was gonna call you."

"I'm gonna get, like, a six on this test!" he cried trying to get to the boy without hurting anyone else. "You get at least a couple hundred for spelling your name correctly." Lip responded sarcastically walking round the room in circles as everyone sat watching unsure what to do.

"I won't be able to play ball in college!" he made a run towards Lip chasing him up the stairs everyone following behind. "fuck, you'll go straight to pros" Lip called back to the boy trying to get him to lay off. Tire slammed his head against the door frame, Lip grunting in pain.

"You think you'll live if I drop you on your head? I don't." he warned letting the boy dangle out the bedroom window threatening to let go. "Lip!" Debbie screamed as they ran into the room, Ian trying to grab tire back.

Fiona ran into the room as Maisie picked up the bat getting ready to beat it at him. "Get my brother back in the house, or the kid swings the bat." Ian warned Maisie cracking her neck as the smiled at the boy threateningly.

"Keep your shit straight; I'll pull him in." the boy yelled pulling him up. "What the hell is going on?" Fiona exclaimed tying Steve's shirt around her. "Maisie's got it covered." Ian put his hand out to stop his sister from making a sudden movement.

"I was just joking. Okay?" he panted holding his hands up in surrender when the red haired girl still held her bat up. "Yeah well, I'm a bit angry" she smiled whacking the bat harshly against his leg causing everyone to start shouting as he collapsed to the ground.

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