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TW: self harm, suicide

Lip and Ian had been searching the streets for over 2 hours now. They'd been to see if she'd gone back to stay with Mandy but she wasn't there, then they went to Kev and V's she wasn't there and finally they went home in hope she would be there, but she wasn't.

"Don't worry baby we'll find her" Monica smiled trying to show affection with the two boys but they quickly pulled back. "Yeah whatever, we're fine by ourselves, she's not coming back with you here anyway" Lip scoffed walking into his bedroom and sitting down on Ian's bed.

"Get a search party out for her tomorrow, you go visit Mickey in prison see if he has an idea where she could be at and after that, I guess cops" Lip sighed patting his brother on the back before jumping up onto his own bed and trying his best to get some sleep.


"Monica, Carl needs something from you." Lip told the woman as he sat eating cereal from the box watching the woman struggle to handle everything. "What? What's this?" she unfolded the piece of paper looking at it in confusion.

"Permission slip." Lip told her finding great amusement in the womans stress this morning after she'd driven Fiona out the house. "Oh. You're going to the aquarium! When?" Monica smiled grabbing a pen and signing the paper off.

"Today. I need ten dollars." he told her putting the letter in his bag to hand in on the morning. "What for?" Bob asked raising her voice as she sat feeding Liam some breakfast while playing with the toys that sat out on the table. "Admission fee." he turned to face her getting impatient with all the questions he was getting asked.

"School doesn't pay for that?"

"No; and he'll need money for food." Lip told them putting the cereal back on the top of the fridge and putting his coat on, texting Karen and Mandy about helping to find Maisie instead of going to school.

"Grab him an instant oatmeal and a Pop-Tart. Makes a great lunch." Bob ordered Monica making no effort to get up and help but instead remained sat where she was watching her girlfriend run around like a mad woman.

"Deb, what are you doing?" Monica asked looking over to her to see several markers in both her hands. "I'm looking for a poster board and markers. I'm running for re-election." she told her opening the pantry up to see if anything was in there.

"Ian, could you help her?" Monica asked but the boy refused putting his jacket on walking past the woman. "Can't gotta go look for Maisie" he shrugged his shoulders leaving it up to his mom to help her, following Lip out the house, Carl running after them.

"Can I help" he asked making the two boys turn round piecing their brows together. "What about the aquarium, Bob gave you ten dollars for it" Lip questioned thinking the boy was actually excited to go on this school trip.

"I wanna help look for her, me and Debbie are scared and I can just use that money to buy some snacks" Carl said looking at his two brothers with pleading eyes causing them to quickly agree walking to meet Mandy and some of her family and Karen.

Veronica, Kev and Ethel all agreed to help out with the search along with some of them from the pub, Sheila said she would help but everyone knew there was no chance she was leaving the house and Fiona and Steve were coming along later to help out.

They had up until tonight to find her knowing it was getting colder and if she was out on the streets she was bound to catch something. "Lip" he turned round to see Debbie running her bag in one hand and her lunch in the other. "I'm coming to" she told them giving them no option to say no to her because it would be pointless.

Teenage dirtbag|| shameless season 1Where stories live. Discover now