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"Haven't seen you here in a while. And I didn't expect to see you in here" the boy at the front desk of the library smiled as he scanned Debbie's book. "I'm not here voluntarily trust me" she scoffed looking around the place while the boy looked between the two girls.

"Been kind of busy, Simon." Debbie huffed shoving the book into her bag. "I got a signed first edition of Harry Potter." he smiled excitedly trying to get one of the girls to actually show an interest in him, mainly Debbie.

"Overrated. Made a better movie than a book. And now with all those kid actors grown up, they're scarier looking than the villains." she told him piecing her brows together as an idea came to mind. "You look at me one more time speccy and I'll snap your fucking glasses in half so you can't see anything" Maisie threatened as the boy turned to look at her one more time opening his mouth to say something to her before she stopped him with her threats.

"Hey, can you help me on the computers?" Debbie asked and Maisie looked at her in confusion. Maisie thought she was getting dragged out for some food until Debbie wanted to go to the library promising to be quick but now she wanted to spend more time in the dust infected library to do some research.

"What do you want to do?" he asked sitting down beside her at the desk staring at the computer. "Dig up some dirt." she told him briefly not bothering to go into details about the whole situation. "Name."

"Steve... W-W-Wilson? Wilton?" Debbie stuttered deciding what name she needed. "Debbie when are you going to drop this, if Steve had some secret I'd be really shocked, he's the least interesting man ever, the same man who told Carl if he got angry to count to ten" Maisie ranted on but the red haired girl just ignored her.

"Try Wilton, in Lake Forest." she turned to face Simon who quickly typed the details into the computer. "There are zero in Illinois, but there are 15 of them nationwide." he told the two girls, Maisie reaching for a book of the shelf and looking at the title. 'Top ten Nations Serial Killers' , she raised her brows opening the book up and skimming through some of the sentences.

"Can you do it backwards?"


"No. I mean, if I give you an address, can you work from there?" she deadpanned getting impatient with the boy when she felt Maisie getting more and more restless. "Hey, um, maybe sometime we could all just casually hang out." he asked hopeful, Maisie almost fell of her chair as she burst out laughing Debbie rolling her eyes at the pair.

"Fine. Fine, yes, we can casually hang out. 1055 North Ave" she huffed hurrying him to type the information into the computer. "It says the property owners are Lloyd and Candace Lishman" he told the girl and Debbie smiled. "Hello Ms D-Lish" she smirked tapping Maisie on the shoulder before grabbing her bag and walking towards the exit.

"Cool, then we can, uh, hang out sometime?" he smiled his leg bouncing up and down. "You just did" Maisie smiled ruffling his hair and running out after Debbie who was making her way towards the bus stop.

"Debs what are we doing" Maisie groaned finally catching up to her. "We're going to find out what Steve is up to" she smiled sitting down at the bus stop counting the money in her hand. "Come on" she waved her hand when the bus pulled up and Maisie remained where she was stood her eyes widened, confused what Debbie was actually up to.


Debbie knocked on the large doors of the house as Maisie stood next to her shivering. She was only in a skirt, tights and a cropped top and it wasn't exactly an outfit to wear in the winter when someone felt like exploring.

"Are you screwing my sister's boyfriend?" the door swung open to reveal a blonde, rich woman who looked at least 50. "If you're selling cookies, that's a hell of an opening line and look" the woman smirked moving aside when both girls shoved their way into the house. "Do come in."

"Can I get you something? Milk? Soda? A joint? It's medicinal." the woman offered lighting her own up in the process. "No, thank you, Mrs. Lishman." Debbie smiled but Maisie's eyes lit up at the sight. "I'll take a joint" she exclaimed her pupils getting bigger as she looked at the pack the woman held in awe.

"How do you know Steve?" Debbie questioned, Maisie sitting back in the uncomfortable chair when she was denied one because of her age. "Who is Steve?" the woman asked and Maisie threw her arms in the air. "See Debbie she has no idea who the man is" she snapped starting to stand up and walking towards the front door but coming back into the room when she saw Steve make his way through.

"Hey, Mom, me and Chip are gonna swing by the hospital to see Dad, so you can relax now, okay?" Steve walked into the room his mam grabbing both sides of his cheeks and kissing him on the lips. "Ew" Maisie blurted out slapping her hand over her mouth when she realised she'd actually said it out loud and not in her head. Steve who right now looked unrecognizable with his rich knitted jumper on and gel in his hair turned round to face them his face falling at the sight of the two girls.

"Oh! This is, uh..." she woman stalled having no idea who either of the girls were called. "Debbie. Debbie Gallagher. Nice to meet you...Jimmy." She stared up at the man giving nothing away as his eyes flicked between the two girls no idea how they figured out he was here.

"Jimmy is my youngest. Top of his class at Michigan in med school. He is going to be a cardio-thoracic surgeon like his big brother and his daddy. And he has been taking such good care of me since his father went into the hospital.  A fender bender; broke his kneecap. And you know, doctors make the worst patients." the woman rambled on about how successful her car stealing son was and how proud she was of him.

As she turned to face the other way Debbie dragged Maisie out the house slamming the door behind her as she did.

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