~Chapter 3~

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I let out a loud groan as I open my eyes, instantly not recognising the ceiling.

"Where am I?" I whisper to myself, or so I thought.

"Well, did you expect me to trust your navigation skills when you were practically falling out of the club?" I hear a familiar voice as he laughs to himself.

"Good, point." I groan again, my head pounding and my vision blurring a bit.

"Here, I have some paracetamol." Charles puts a cup of water on the bedside along with a couple of tablets.

"Thank you" I accentuate the the 'you', quickly realising I went home, with, Charles.

"Wait, Charles." I speak a bit louder, stopping him in his tracks as he quickly turns back around, topless. As he lets out a low 'hmm'

"We didn't do anythi-" I blurt out, hoping that I didn't say anything too stupid.

"No, apart from you consistently complimenting my eyes, and my 'strong muscular arms'" Charles mocks my compliment, chuckling to himself and smirking at me.

I groan and shove a pillow in my face from embarrassment as he continues to laugh at me.

"Do you actually remember anything?" He asks.

"Well, yeah, it's all a bit jumbled around though, I remember Lando sleeping on the chair and telling me I have the best hugs, I remember meeting Daniel, Pierre, Alex, Valterri, Yuki And Logan." I pause at the next thing I remember not wanting to say it.

"Is that it?" He asks, intently, probably wondering if I remember the situation with Max, which I do.

"No, there's one other thing, meeting Max." I hesitantly imply, gulping a lump I have in the back of my throat.

"And here I was hoping you'd forget that bit. He gets a bit cocky and rude when he drinks too much." Charles informs me, looking down.

"I gathered. But, if I didn't thank you last night, then thank you" Rolling my eyes at the memory and thanking him, again.

"Well, now I've got double the gratitude, I must be on someone's good side." Charles teases and laughs whilst I scoff, not wanting to boost his confidence.

Charles leaves, and I realise the time and look at my phone to hundred of messages.

Posh brit:
Hey just wondering where you are, you kinda disappeared, I can give you a ride back.
Posh Brit:
Maeve, I'm worried now, please check your phone
Posh Brit:

I instantly face-palm at the stupid nickname Lando gave me, and clearly seeing where George starts to have a few drinks.

'Maevey ' has been added to the group

Hey, sorry, I didn't tell anyone, I took Maeve home.
Posh brit:
Glad someone did, as I started drinking
What actually happened last night?
Posh brit:
Someone drunk too much is what happened.😂😂😂
Aussie no. 1:
God Lando won't remember anything he was asleep for half of it. 🤣
Aussie no. 2:
I still don't get why Danny is the 'no. 1' Aussie, like whats the difference? I'm Aussie too.

Aussie no. 2 name changed to Mr. Pastry

Mr Pastry:
Aussie no. 1:
Aussie no. 1:
It's simply because I'm the better Aussie, Oscar.
Lew Lew:
No, I'm pretty sure it's because Danny joined f1 first, right?
Aussie no. 1:
Don't ruin this for me Lewis.
for fuck sake guys, at least your name isn't about your height.
Estie bestie:
It's ok Yuki, at least no one actually calls you a migit outside of this groupchat.
You always call me a migit!!!
Estie bestie:
What? No never.

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