~Chapter 12~

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At this point, I am on the dance floor, with the entirety of both of my lungs full of alcohol in my stomach. George shoots me a look as Lando changes the song, and he points at me. I walk over to him, he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him, and my arms wrap around his neck. Our bodies practically hip-to-hip at this point, he starts grinding against me to the music, and yet again, the burning sensation on the back of my head is there, I briefly turn around noticing Charles seeing red, jealous.

"There's a jealous, jealous boy behind me." I whisper to George teasingly.

"Let him be jealous, babe." George calls me by the nickname, which takes me by surprise, however I don't hate it. In fact quite the opposite.

"Call me babe again..." I whisper into his ear.

"You're stunning, babe." He whispers and winks at me, sending shivers through my body.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Rosa pipes up, getting everyone's attention and holding up her empty champagne bottle. Everyone cheers in agreement.

We all go to the lounge area where Lando has a lot of space, enough space for us to all sit in a circle, I'm sat next to George and Rosa.

"Wait, what version are we playing?" Lando asks.

"Mine and Maeve's version." Rosa says lowly, intriguing everyone, and everyone nods in agreement.

"What are the rules?" Lando asks.

"Well, we all nominate one spinner at the start who says what they want the next two people to do, when the bottle lands on those two people, they have to do what the spinner said, and we spin twice, and the person at the bottom end of the bottle is the next spinner." Rosa tries her best to explain, slurring a few words.

"Sounds simple enough, Who's first spinner?" Danny asks.

"Nando, it's his party!" I vote, as everyone cheers in agreement

"Right, these two people, will have to take another shot." Lando says as he spins the bottle the first time. The bottle lands on Alex, everyone cheers.

"Alright, second person who has to take a shot with Alex." Lando spins the bottle again, staring at it in anticipation. It lands on Lewis! And the next spinner is Charles.

"Go on you two, go and take another shot!" Lando calls out. The two stand up and go to the kitchen and grab a shot and come back. We all cheer as they take another shot and sit down.

"Maybe go for a more scandalous dare this time, Charles?" Danny says, smirking at him, Charles just laughs at him.

"Hmm, ok, these two people have to kiss." Everyone gasps in suspense, staring at the bottle as Charles spins it. It lands on George. Everyone cheers.

"Ok, the second person, who is kissing George..." Charles spins the bottle again, and it lands on me. We both laugh, sat next to each other. And the next spinner is Alex.

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I look deeply into his eyes, and he looks in mine, and glances at my lips, I put my hands around his neck, and he picks up my chin with his hand pulling me in. His lips lightly touch mine, teasing me, and he then pulls my head closer kissing me deeply, everyone cheers, apart from one someone. I pull away, and Alex grabs hold of the bottle.


"I dare these two people to spray champagne bottles on each other." Alex says, smirking and spinning the bottle. The first spin lands on Oscar. Alex spins the bottle again and it lands on Lando. And I'm the next spinner.

The two jump up racing to the kitchen and we hear two bottles pop and them shouting and laughing at each other. We then hear the bottles clink and they both come back in soaking in champagne.

"Ok, I'm going to go slightly unoriginal here, but these two have to kiss as well." I chuckle slightly, and the rest cheer as the bottle goes around and lands on Daniel. I spin it again and it lands on Rosa. The next spinner being Oscar.

The two look into each others eyes and kiss each other. Everyone cheers at the two sat next to each other. Daniel whispers something in her ear afterwards making her laugh.

"Right then, Mr. Pastry spinning the bottle." Everyone laughs at drunk Oscar. Lando giving him a knowing look.

"Oh, shit, umm, these two people can kiss I guess." Oscar copying everyone's idea, spinning the bottle. It lands on me, I look around the circle in suspense, Charles' face lights up when it lands on me.

"Who else will get lucky tonight..." Oscar spins the bottle again, and it lands on Max. George spinning next. Max and I stand up, we both smirk at each other.

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Max picks me up by my thighs, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms pull his neck closer to me and he puts me on the counter in the kitchen, I pull him in closer and his lips crash against mine, dominating the kiss, his hands slide up and down my waist, and then he pulls me in closer, deepening the kiss. I pull away, winking at him.

"Fuck, Maeve, your amazing." Max whispers, just so that the two of us can hear.

"Tell me something I don't know." I smirk at him getting off the counter.


I sit next to George again who pulls me closer to him by wrapping one arm around my hip before he spins the bottle. I have to admit, Max wasn't a bad kisser.

"These two can dance with each other to whatever song comes on next." George says, spinning the bottle and it lands on Lewis, who stands up, Lando looks at what song is next and chuckles at his phone, pausing the current song.

"Hey, DJ, keep the music on, you don't get to choose!" Lewis protests, as Lando shrugs at him watching the bottle go around, landing on Charles who stands up. The next spinner being Max. Lando plays the next song and Lewis and Charles laugh and dance together.

"Right, these two have to have a competition as to who can drink the most shots under 30 seconds." Max says, spinning the bottle, it lands on Oscar the first spin and Daniel the second spin, the next spinner being Charles.

Lando and I go to get some shots from the kitchen in the other room as the other kitchen has an alcohol fridge and shot glasses. We start filling up 20 glasses for Oscar and I fill up another 20 for Daniel, we both agree that they won't be able to drink more than 20 shots. Lando finds a tray which we can carry all 40 shots on and we walk back to the others and Oscar and Daniel burst out laughing.

"Someone time me." Oscar says and Lando gets his phone up.

"Oscar, 3... 2... 1... Go!" Oscar starts drinking the shots and he starts struggling to stand up, he stumbles slightly, and he only drinks 15.

"Oh Oscar, I can definitely drink more than that." Daniel remarks in a confident tone.

"Right Daniel, 3... 2... 1... Go!" Daniel starts drinking and everyone starts cheering again, Daniel drinks the shots really quickly managing all 20 on the tray.

"Yes, get in!!" Daniel cheers and Oscar congratulates him. I'm surprised they are both still standing.

A few more rounds pass by, and a lot of people end up becoming a lot more drunk, and there are a few more kisses, some were just pecks on the cheek and it begins to get late, we declare the last spin.

"Right, I'm stepping up the game from kissing, these two have to go home with each other, tonight." Oscar says, holding the bottle. Everyone looks at the bottle in suspense, although at this point it looks as if there are three bottles, instead of just one.

The first spin lands on me, I get tense that it doesn't land on Charles, although, I'm glad he's just upstairs.

"And who will be taking Maeve home..." Oscar says spinning the bottle a second time.

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