~Chapter 26~

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When we get back to the apartments in the car park, the drive was silent, neither of us spoke, but it wasn't awkward, it never is with Max, he always makes a silence comfortable. However, I may have been the only one feeling this way.

"Are you alright? You seemed very quiet on the way home?" He asks, concerned, leaving his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, I have a lot on my mind, I guess." I try to brush it off as it is nothing.

"You can stay the night at mine if you need someone to talk to?" He offers.

"That would be nice, thank you. Do you have drinks?" I ask him a question back, while he laughs at me.

"That's a silly question." He laughs, while I laugh at his response.

We both get out the car, only to be relieved that there are no paparazzi's waiting for us at the hotel doors, we both get to the lobby, unintentionally holding each others hands. We get in the elevator and we make our way up to the third floor, the floor above Charles' and my own, and we walk all the way to the end of the hallway. He let go of my hand gently and opened the door, letting me in first, and turns on the lights.

"Let me get us some drinks, any preferences?" He asks, walking over to what I assume to be the kitchen.

"Surprise me, Verstappen." I call him by his last name, which clearly knocks him off guard, while I sit at a bar stool in his apartment.

I take notice to him grabbing a few things out of the cabinets such as glasses, a couple of bottles and then some other drinks out the fridge. I look around his kitchen, get familiar with the place and spot a few bits and bobs laying around that catch my eye. I then turn my attention back to Max, by the sound of something being poured into a glass, his body facing mine, but across the island. He puts the bottle down and picks up another and pours even more of that stuff in it, whatever it is. And he finally pours the last thing into the drink.

"And what do you call this?" I ask jokingly.

"The Max special." He chuckles, passing me a drink and coming over to sit on the stool next to me. I take a sip of the drink, it has a hint of fruit, and it's really, really strong.

"That's actually really nice, but really strong, how much did you put in here?" I ask, laughing slightly.

"A lot, and it's not too strong, you might be a lightweight." He points out and we both laugh.

"I might need another of these, they are really nice." I chuckle, and he shakes his head.

"I don't think you'll be able to get through the first one, let alone have a second one." We both laugh.

After a few drinks we both sit on the sofa and watch a movie that he chooses, as I don't know what I want to watch, so he chooses instead of pushing me for an answer. He was right, I don't think I can have a second one of these. Well, I need something.

"Shots?" I ask, his head looks down at mine, which is resting on his chest.

"Anything." He says, as I lift my head as he gets up and gets a few shot glasses and a bottle of something or other, probably vodka.

"You said there was something on your mind? Do you mind me asking what it was, it seemed to be bothering you." He asks, while I sit up and he pours the shots.

"Oh, it really wasn't anything too deep, it's just something on the media had bothered me, and me and my PR aren't on the best of terms at the moment." I point out, trying to be discreet, and shoving the reason onto mine and Viola's current situation.

"Well, it's you, how can she not like you? Besides it's what she gets paid for, to sort out your social life, whether that's on the media or not. And if she isn't doing her job, Fred will fire her." He somewhat reassures me, passing me the shot glass, and we both take a shot. And we make disgusted faces at one another.

"What kind of vodka was that?" I ask, and he laughs at my response to the alcohol burning the back of my throat.

After we have a few more shots, the contents in the bottle slowly dwindles down, as does my energy, and I start getting tired, however Max seems to be getting more energetic. I start to remember what happened when he first met me and he was drunk. I felt really uncomfortable, maybe I should leave, I can't really make up an excuse, not like this, not a convincing excuse. I really don't want to do this, I don't want to look like a woman that can't handle herself in this sort of situation. I decide to wait out calling for help, I don't want to seem helpless. Most of my mind goes all stubborn and decides to wait it out, and part of me wants to call someone in the hotel to get me out of here.

Eventually the minority of my mind wins, I needed to get out of here, my mind starts thinking of excuses and who to call, I quickly get my phone and start typing, really quickly.

hewelp mehe, I doun't kdhfow whayat twddooo

Maeve? Are you alright?

caan ywouw cowunme hwerae plwease

Maeve, where are you.






I'll be there in a few seconds

I realise that maybe typing to him is probably the worst way to try contact him, as I am not the best at typing when I'm drunk.

"I'm going to head back to mine, I think I'm ok." I say quietly to Max, who has his head leaning on mine, he doesn't respond, making me think he's asleep.

I carefully get up and place a pillow under his head and I hear a knock at the door, I get up and look back at Max who still looks fast asleep and I quickly yet quietly open the door. I see Charles, his worried look in his gorgeous eyes, his familiar face, and messy hair, he looks like he's just woken up. I don't even notice that his top half is bare, I just hug him. And this feels right. Sparks get sent through my body, his hands around me send shivers down my spine, and I feel so much safer, his face buries in my neck and he pulls me out of the apartment and shuts the door.

"Are you ok? What did he do?" He asks, concerned, holding me at arms distance, his arms resting on my shoulders.

"Nothing, nothing, I just- I... I needed to leave." I stutter and he holds me close again, bringing me into another hug, his face instantly relaxing, knowing that nothing happened.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to yours." He releases me and keeps me close, his arm wraps around my waist, and I melt into his touch, even though we are only down one floor in the elevator.

He drops me off at my apartment and stays for a drink of water, while I get ready for bed and have a shower. Whilst I'm in the shower, I hear him leave, and part of me wants to face-palm, yet again realising it's the race tomorrow and I will be mega hungover. I lean my head against the shower wall, trying to forget about what I saw on instagram before I left to go cliff jumping with Max, but it keeps popping up, making me jealous. I then slam my hand against the shower wall, and sigh heavily, shutting my eyes tightly. My head starts pounding and every drop of water dropping on my head feels like a hammer hitting it instead.

I turn off the shower and get out to get a glass of water and some tablets and take them so I hopefully won't be too bad the next morning. I set my alarm for really early on my phone so I can train before leaving, as I have accidentally been putting it off the past few days. I put on my pajamas and go to sleep.

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