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Victoria's pov:
"Do you think the baby is alright, Will?" I gasped laying down
"Yes darling." He smiles and kisses me
"I'm just worried... The baby just didn't sound right to me."
"The nurse said that was normal sweetheart let's just pray for the best." He holds my hand
I've been way too excited for this baby. Even though my parents said not to have kids I've always wanted kids. The nurse comes in and hands me the baby.
"It's a healthy baby boy, congratulations." She smiles and leaves
I kiss my baby boy's head.
"What are we naming him?" He asks
Valentino comes in. His eyes shine as he sees my child.
"Do you want to hold him?" I ask
I slowly pass him my baby. He holds him ever so slightly it's adorable.
"Do you want to name him, brother?" He asks
"His name shall be Michael."
"Can he have a middle name?" I ask
"Michael-Rose Afton, our new underboss."
"Wait wait what?" My eyed widen I sit up
"Valentino is correct. He shall be the underboss for us and ruin Henry and his wife." Felice comes in
"Father, are you sure?" William asks
"I'm sure son."
"But why hasn't it gone to William, why did it go straight to my son?" I ask
"Underboss's don't go my generation, they are chosen."
"Michael will be an honour to us, an angel."
"For now William you'll be underboss till Michael is at his rightful age."
"What's the rightful age?" I question
"Twelve years old."
"Isn't that a bit too young?"
"No, twelve is our lucky number." Felice smiles holding Michael.
"If that's what you want then."
✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
When I was home that's when the news came in.
"He knew it was gonna happen." William mumbles
"That's why he chose Michael. He knew he was gonna die. It's alright Brother, we'll get those rats to avenge father." Valentino smiles dangerously.
They never show emotion, I just don't understand.
There was a funeral, no one said anything till the speech. I don't get it, will I show no emotion in the future as well?

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