Five years old

112 4 1

Victoria's pov:
"We're gonna have to move." I say to William
"Are you sure Ria?" He asks
"It's safer for the kids, I'm pregnant as well Will. I promise we'll come to back to see your family." I whisper
"If that's what you want then alright, what about Noah though, Michael is attached to him."
"I'll talk with Cecilia" I smile and leave
Cecilia and Xavier come here more often only because of Michael and Noah being incredibly inseparable.
"Cc, I need to speak to you about something, privately."
She nods and tells Xavier as well both leave the playroom and go to my room.
"What's wrong?" She asks fixing her skirt
"I'm moving to England." I say
"What, when? What about Michael?" She asks
"Come with me to England Cc, it's safe for our children. You don't want Noah dying really early here do you?"
"Of course not, I'd go with you but I don't know what Xavier will say. I'll force him to say yes don't worry." She chuckled.
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Well here we are in Bradford, England. Michael and Noah were sent to school they didn't seem to mind that we moved maybe because they were with each other.
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Michael's pov:
School. Weird. Noah stayed with me the whole time. We were in something called year two and I didn't like Ms Bailey, she keeps asking me stuff and I don't like that.
"Noah dear, why don't you leave Michael for a while and do something else?" She says
Go away from him.
"N-o." He made a noise and hid behind me
"Come on Noah, you have to do other things without Michael you know."
I hate her I'm telling daddy to fire her.
"No!" He started to cry and I hug him
"No cry, you can stay with me" I say
"Michael can you please tell Noah to go do painting?"
"No! Noah wants to stay with Mikey! Mikey wants Noah to stay with Mikey!" I stamp
"I'm calling your parents."
"Do it my daddy will fire you! Bitch!"
The whole class fell silent and I didn't know why.
"Michael Afton that's not what you say in this classroom"
"I don't care! My daddy says I can do what ever I like!!" I shout
She leaves to classroom.
"Stop looking at me!" I yell and they stop
A girl with red hair comes to me.
"H-ello." She says
"Hello, what do you want" I mumble going back to colouring
"You want to be friends? Your so cool for shouting at Ms Bailey! Everyone is scared of her."
"Okay sure!" I giggle
"Noah Noah! I made friend!" I smile
He stops hiding and waves his hand at the girl.
"What her name..?" He asks
I shrug.
"My name is Maisie" she giggles
"Hello Maisie" he smiles shyly
"Hello Noah! Woah, your drawing is so pretty!" She squealed
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"It's unacceptable to be saying words like that in my classroom" Ms Bailey tells daddy
"Come here Mikey"
I go to daddy and look at him.
"What happened? Why did you say that buddy?" He asks
So I tell him everything, Noah was still hiding behind me and Maisie was next to me. Maisie was pretty and nice. I like her.
"I have to go Mikey, my mommy is here" she says
"Bye bye Maisie!"
"Bye bye Mikey!"
"I don't see anything wrong with what my son told you, you were forcing Noah to do something he didn't want to do." Daddy says and Uncle Xavier comes in picking up Noah.
He picks me up after.
"Mikey, you did a good job protecting Noah, let's go get ice cream" he chuckles
"Yay ice cream!" I clap my hands
Noah had fallen asleep his hand was holding mine tightly, Uncle tells daddy and leaves ordering me ice cream and he takes us home while I eat my ice cream.

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