Seven years old

105 4 2

Michael's pov:
"What is that?" I asked
Mama was holding a doll. The doll looks ugly. She has orange hair and ugly green eyes.
"This is your baby sister Mikey" mama says
"Ew." I mumbled
"Mikey, that's not nice." Mom hugs me
"I want Noah! She's gonna take Noah from me!!" I whined
Noah comes in and jumps onto the chair to see my sister.
"She's cute!" He giggled
"No she's ugly!!"
"I won't let her steal me from you Mikey" Noah holds my hand
I hmph'ed and hugged me moving away from mom.
"Come with me Mikey" mama kneels down to pick me up
"Noah!" I jumped
"Okay Noah come with us" mama handed over my sister to mom and walked with me and Noah in his arms.
He bought is pizza and ice cream.
"Mikey, I don't like your sister either." He whispers
"She's ugly!" I sip on my fruit shoot.
"Don't worry, we'll get rid of her soon." Mama smiled
"Okay!" I giggled
Noahs started to cry.
"What's wrong Noah?" I ask
"My tongue!!" He cries
"Ah, have you burnt your tongue Noah?"
He continued crying and I hugged him.
"Give him his drink Mikey"
I take his fruit shoot and give it to him.
"I want yours. I don't like the purple one!!" He sobs
"Mine is orange, you want orange?"
He nods and I give him my drink, I drink his fruit shoot.
"William, what are you doing here?" Uncle Xavier comes and sits next to mama.
"Michael hates Elizabeth so I got him pizza and ice cream so Ria doesn't go crazy on him for hating his sister." He sighs
"Noah burnt his tongue!" I say to uncle
"Are you okay Noah?" Uncle asks
"You want ice cream Noah?" I ask
"No" he rubs his eyes
I eat my ice cream and his. Noah was falling asleep slightly so I stopped licking my spoon and layed down on the seats. Noah cuddled me and I started to drift off.
✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
William's pov:
I'm gonna kill Elizabeth. I'm sure Michael will help me since he also hates her as well. I'll kill her in ninteen eighty five. Ria wants another kid and I want them killed as well, they can die in ninteen eight three.
"The kids are asleep" Xavier says
I look over to see Michael and Noah cuddling and fast asleep, I have a good feeling they're gonna help this gang grow. I also know they're gonna date by the time they're in secondary school.

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