Fourteen Years old

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I've copied and pasted the smut from the past noachael book bc like it's still the same timeline and it's my own work so it doesn't matter 😜 except the povs are changed and I added a few extra words x
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Michael's pov:
Noah did tell Maisie and Aiden to stop bullying me. And they did. I slapped them both telling them that their idea was idiotic, but I forgave them. We all became friends again and hung out yesterday. Today was Mark's birthday. I became a tiny bit distant with Mark because of what Noah said. Now today I'm gonna test it. I already have my plan if it's true. I'm sure Noah will be happy about it.
"EARTH TO MICHAE ROSE!!" I snapped back into reality
"Huh- oh-" I blinked
"Truth or dare." Maisie says
"Truth?" I reply
"Are you a virgin?" She asks
"No" I smile
Noah frowned at that.

I dressed into a black crop top and black shorts that basically stuck to my legs. The shorts brought out my ass, I knew Noah had his eyes on that.
"Can I borrow your makeuppp-" Maisie asks
I nod handing her my backup makeup bag.
"WhAt the fuck, THIS IS A LOT." She gasps
Aiden comes and he gasps as well. Noah joins me and hugs me.
"What's wrong with you?" I ask
"Nothing, I just missed hugging you." He mumbles
I kiss his forehead applying lip gloss onto my lips
I never brought up about the bullying incident ever again. Past is past.
"Are you gonna wear a jacket with that?" He asks
"Nah." I smile
"Your brave." He chuckles
"Thanks boo" I blow a kiss at him grabbing my black purse and dump some makeup into it. Fuck I forgot eyeliner. I apply some eyeliner on quickly and pop it into my bag along with other essentials before zipping it up and wearing it.
"You guys done?" I ask
"Almost" Maisie says
Aiden kisses her cheek and she giggles.

We finally make it to Mark's house. Maisie drags Aiden to the drink area. Mark greets me and kisses me, Noah was holding my hand gripping onto it tightly.
Don't worry Noah, you'll get what you want, soon.
"What the fuck." He whispers into my ear
"They had their reason, leave them alone." I whispered back
He nods and we talk for awhile. Now for my plan. Leah was near as well.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, Noah wanna come?" I ask
"Sure." He fakes a smile
I kiss Mark's nose and walk to the table.
"Your a bit off. What are you thinking?" Noah mumbles
"I'm gonna see if Mark is actually cheating on me with my own bloody cousin. Don't worry boo." I kiss his cheek and walk back to Mark
I open the door and just as Noah said.
He's making out with a drunk Leah.
"Believe me now?" Noah folds his arms
"I never said I didn't believe you." I smile
Now for revenge.
"Come with me." I whisper walking off

"What the fuck." He hisses
"Come on, your acting like you weren't staring at my ass this whole time." I roll my eyes sarcastically. He blushes
"Are you saying we should-" he cuts himself off
"Exactly." I smirk
"We're fourteen." He mumbles
"So? We only live once." I frown
"Have you had sex with Mark before?" He mutters
"No, I'm still a virgin I just lied."
Suddenly he picks me up and pins me to the wall, I smirked, his lips connected onto mine.
Younger me wouldn't like this. Younger me was innocent and sweet, only mean when meant too. But now I've changed. I'm only sweet when meant too. He bites my bottom lip for entrance so I tease him, his hand trails down my back and into my shorts, his finger is shoved into my ass. I moan loudly into the kiss
"You've done a bad decision turning me on, mouse" he chuckled
"Mouse..?" I asked blushing
"Yes darling, mouse, you squeak like one" he pulled my clothes off.
I stripped him blushing at his body.
"I don't have a condom." He said
"We're not girls, it doesn't matter." I roll my eyes
"Needy much?" He smirked
"Fuck me hard, please~" I begged
"I plan to do more than fuck your petty ass Michael." He reminds me
"My cock will make its home there, touch every part of you till you no longer can take it. Then you'll finally be mine in every single way" that made me blush a lot, he's been waiting ever since we were eight years old to be with me, now he has his chance.
He dropped me to the floor, making me turn around and bend down for him. He spat into my untouched hole. He pressed his index finger and slowly touched me against my tightness, my body fighting him out.
"Noah, it feels weird.. Ah~" I murmurs
"No one fucked you like this huh?" He chuckled
"Relax baby, let my finger in you" he softly command
He pushes harder till he's passed his knuckle,his saliva and my wetness allowing him to thrust with his finger easier. Once I gets used to the feeling he pushes another finger in causing me to squirm. Hesitating.
"Take it, slut, take my fingers."
"I can't.. It hurts." I cry
"And yet your not stopping me." He taunts
He pushes my fingers deeper into my clenching hole.
"That's it. Thats my good little boy" he praises me
He uses his other hand to rub my dick fast and hard while thrusting into my asshole until my cries turn into moans of pleasure. He goes in a slow pace. I begins to push his hips back, he fucks me even harder.
"Look at you, taking your best friend's fingers into your tight ass" he growls a shudder runs down my spine.
"What will Mark think about this? Hmm? Bent over, naked and fucking my hand like a good filthy little boy" he teases
"Noah!!" I whimpers
He spanks my ass and holds his fingers in my walls.
"Let me come, please" I whimper
"Not yet" he warns
He scissors his fingers inside me pushing in a third.
"Please.. No more fingers, I'm too full, I can't." I beg
"It'll hurt a lot more once my dick is in your ass, baby. I won't go slowly then, I'll give what you deserve" he tells me while watching my tiny hole taking his fingers beautifully.
"And don't tell me it hurts when your still taking my fingers, my little liar" he kisses my nose
He will always be mine.
"Fuck!" I curse when his rhythm becomes hard and rough.
He pulls his fingers out, turning me around and shoving his fingers back in deep, he slaps my thighs wider sucking onto my throbbing dick into his mouth and thrusts his tongue onto my dick.
"Beg me to allow you to come." He grunt against his skin
"Please, Noah" i begs with hooded and must filled eyes.
My cheeks were flushed, lips swollen from biting and hair a mess from the gripping.
"Let me come on your tongue. You've tortured me enough. Please... Please"
The love, the desperation and the longing on my face does him in and he shoves his fingers to the hilt of my ass and his mouth sucking on my hard dick at once, he commands.
"Come for me, baby, now."
On a silent scream, i fall apart and orgasms all over his hands, drenching him in my come. My entire back jerks and bucks while he keep thrusting into me so I keeps coming . To me, he's never looked more stunning. The second I've spent, i go still, heavily breathing, he slowly pulls his fingers out my slightly gaping hole. So pretty. Straightening up, he makes circles on my ass, he helps me up and grabbed my elbow to turn towards him. I watched him shyly while a satisfying smile tilting my lips up. The seductive draw of his mouth pulls me in, leaning down, I crush my lips against his so I could taste myself. I shove my tongue inside him to battle with his and wrap my hand around his throat to keep him still. Muy nails dig into his waist, i go on my tip toes and he let's me ravage his mouth. My body sways as he sucks sharply when he bites and pulls my lip and letting it go with a pop.
"I don't think I can stand on my own, you've made me weak on my knees Noah" i teases before pouting
"And you tore my boxers." I sigh
"Your lucky I didn't tear the rest of your clothes, mouse" he laughs
"Do you expect me to walk out of here naked?" I raise my eyebrows
"No." He squeezes my throat and darkly tells me
"Your going to walk out of here, with my cum dripping all over your pretty thighs."
"What?" I ask blushing, my face is probably red by now
"You heard me." He smirks
"Now, turn around, I'm not done with you yet." He orders
"Your not done..?" I ask
"No." He replys
"Bend down for me, love, I'm going to teach you how to be a good slut for me and only me."
I turn around, bending down and he puts my hands onto the wall. He starts giving himself a hand job before pounding into me without any sudden warning.
"Oh god~ fuck~ that feels so fucking good~" I moan
He thrusts into me harder, reaching my G-spot I was practically screaming. He covered my mouth.
"Now now, we don't want anyone to ruin our fun do we?" He chuckles
"Oh~ daddy please~ I need more~" I beg
He pounds into me rough, I didn't care less if people could hear us, this boy was not letting me get out of this so easily. He's mine and only mine, Mark can go fucking have intercourse with someone else but not me, Noah owns me now, I've made my decision. He came into my hole pulling out making me drop to the ground.
"You've got such a fat ass no wonder girls are jelly" he flips him around
"Now, would you like to continue?" He asked
"Yes. I want to touch every fucking part of you. Oh god Noah you felt so fucking amazing, fuck me more every single fucking day, I swear Mark will never even notice this." I smile
Such dreams I was having. He's going feral for me, good.
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I did five whole rounds with him, i was completely knocked out I was almost about to faint after I came for the sixth time. I layed in his arms breathing soundly, As he walked past everyone, they all stared me, pretty sure my hickeys were visable but I couldn't care less, Mark was asleep on the couch with fucking my cousin, Leah, he was shirtless and Leah was only in her bra and her panties, let's see what uncle says about this Leah Afton. Noah has me all for himself and I have him all for myself, I win.

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