Eight Years old

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Noah's pov:
"What's that Mikey?" I ask
"That's called kissing! My mommy and daddy do it!" He giggled
"Why are they getting naked though?"
"I dunno" he bites onto his lip
"Can we do that?" I sit up
"Do what?" He asks
"Kissing!" I giggle
"Okay, come here" he giggles

William's pov:
I walk into Michael's room, they stole my laptop and god knows what they'd be finding. What do I see when I walk in? Oh no it's nothing
Just two eight year olds making out. That is not something you see every single day, I must say Michael is doing a good job at it. I pull them away except Noah starts to cry. My arm is between them kinda like blocking them. Michael opens his arms up and Noah takes a leap of my arm and into Michael's arms.
"What are you watching?" I raise an eyebrow
"I dunno!" He giggled
Well fuck he was watching porn, forgot to take that of my tabs.
"Don't tell anyone about what you watched okay?"
"Okay!!" They both say
I take my laptop and turn on the TV putting on Peppa pig for them to watch and left them to it.
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Victoria's pov:
"Michael put your uniform on."
"No!" He cried
"Why are you crying?" I kneel down and pick him up
"I want Noah!" He cries
"He's gonna be here soon baby." I whisper

When Noah came Michael got ready fast. If one of them dies I just know the other will die right after seeing how close they are. William drove us to their school even if their school is five minutes away.
"Tell me why you have to drive five minutes when we could've just walked?" I tilt my head
He had such a good jawline, straight face. No emotion at all.
"Because, it's not safe."
"It's five minutes will." I sigh
"Still." He muttered
I got out the car and took Michael and Noah to the year three doors.
"Michael, behave okay?" I smile
"Okay mommy!" He giggles and walks in

Noah's pov:
"Why are you such a baby? Move away from Michael for once." Aiden says
"Aiden! Leave him alone!" Michael shouts
"But it's true!!" He whines
"No it's not!!" Maisie butts in
"All of you stop it!" The teacher shouts
I hide behind Michael.
"Noah, go over there." She points at the reading corner
Why does everyone not want me to be with Mikey?
"No, he wants to stay with me!"
"He has his own choices!" The teacher yells
Everyone is looking at us and I don't like it.
"Miss I want to stay with mikey!" I say
"I'm getting my daddy to kick you out!!" Michael stamps
The teacher slaps Michael. I don't think that's right. Maisie look scared, so does Aiden. Michael starts to cry, extremely loudly and he runs off.
"Why did you slap my best friend!" Maisie yells
The teacher ignores her and continues to teach math.
"I'm scared.." I whisper
"Me too.." She whispers
"I'm sorry Noah." Aiden says
"It's okay." I nervously smile
I'm scared for where Mikey went. What if he gets lost? His cheek was red from when the teacher slapped him.

It was lunchtime, this was my first time eating without Michael. I don't like eating, normally i give some of my food to Michael. The teacher sat with us and tried talking but none of us spoke to her. That's when I see Uncle, he's holding Mikey. He looks angry.
"Her her!" Mikey cries
"Why have you slapped my son?!" Uncle shouts
"I don't know what you mean sir." The teacher bites her lip
"Explain the red mark on his face then?" He raises an eyebrow
"I don't know how he got it."
"She's lying! Noah saw her, right Noah" he cries even more hiding under uncle's coat
"Noah?" He asks softly
"Is it true?" He asks
I nod.
"Mr Afton me and Aiden saw it too! The whole class saw Miss slap Michael!" Maisie says
"There's thirty children that are admitting you slapped my son, I'll ask you again, did you hit my son?" Uncle shouts
The whole lunch hall was silent, everyone was watching as uncle shouted at the teacher for hitting Mikey. No one moved, no one ate, they all stared. That means when Michael ran off, he escaped school and went to his house to tell uncle and auntie. The principle had came in and on the spot he fired our teacher in front of everyone
"Noah, Maisie and Aiden is it?" Uncle said sitting down
"Yes, Mr Afton" Aiden replies
"Go get your things I'll take you three home." He smiles

He follows us to the cloakroom, we grab our things and auntie is there.
"What happened?" She asks
"Fired the bitch." He chuckled
"Is Michael okay Mrs Afton?" Maisie asks
"Yes dear, he's asleep right now, would you guys like to stay at Michael's house till we get hold of your parents?"
"Yes!" Maisie and Aiden say together
When we get to the car Michael is still asleep he lays on my lap and I play with his soft hair.

We all play in the playroom while Michael is still asleep in his own room, it doesn't feel right to play without Mikey. I did find it fun to play with Maisie and Aiden though.
"I can't believe we're in the mafia's house!" Maisie giggled
"I know, my mommy says I should stay away from them but they're so nice!!" Aiden giggles
The door creaks open.
"Mikey!" I giggle
His hair is a mess and he still looks tired, he's holding his blue bunny in his hand and rubbing his eyes, he walks towards me, he hugs me.
"Are you okay mikey boo?" Maisie asks
"Mmm.." He snuggles on my chest
I hold him close till auntie comes in to say Maisie and Aiden's parents are here and they leave.

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