One Years Old

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Victoria's pov:
"I don't think we should bring Michael here, it's not safe. He's only one years old Will." I say
"He has to get used to the environment here." He replies
Why would you bring a one year old baby to a place with guns, knives and sharp objects?
"Watch out!" I heard someone yell and next thing i saw was blood.
I screamed, but it wasn't me who was bleeding. Michael.
Michael was crying but I'd rather have him cry then him asleep at the moment.
"take. Me to the fucking HOSPITAL NOW." I yell
Valentino quickly gets up and escorts me to the black SUV and he speeds quickly to the hospital.
"Mikey baby, please keep crying." I whisper kissing his head
His cries got louder, I'm going to beat William, I'm going to murder him. If my baby dies he's dying as well.
✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
"Mrs Afton?" A nurse calls
"That's me, is my baby alright?" I gasp wiping my tears
"He's alive." I let out a sigh of relief
"But what? What's wrong with him?" I ask
"The wound is gonna hurt him for maybe two months, make sure not to allow much pressure on his back."
I nod, at least he's not dead, at least he's not in a coma. Valentino said Gino who's William's other brother saw William burst out crying. I don't give a fuck.
"Can I see my baby?" I ask
She nods and allows me through. I rush towards him and pick him up he starts clapping his hands and gigglea slightly. He's not crying. He's okay Victoria chill the fuck down. Michael is always such a happy baby. He had one of his toys in each of his hands and he banged them together.
"No baby." I say
He listens dropping the toys which end up almost hitting my feet.
"Good boy"
He giggles and smiles. he smiled.
✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
I stay in my room, I avoided William for the rest of the day. I only leave my room to make myself food or to make something that Michael will most likely spit it out. It was midnight and yet Michael was still not asleep. So I had an idea. I got off the bed slowly and opened my slide doors, my room was on a balcony. I went outside.
"Look baby, look at the sky."
He pointed at a star and giggled. Then I heard footsteps, I recognize them immediately, William.
"Go away." I say immediately
"Just let me speak." He replied quickly
"Fine. Be quick." I sigh my attention drawing back to Michael.
He takes my hand and makes me look at him, my brain tells me to look away but my heart tells me to keep looking at me. I stay looking at him. The moon shined on his face making his skin look translucent, his blue eyes shining into a turquoisey blue colour. His cheeks were slightly a tinted red.
"Look, I'm sorry Ria, I should've listened to you about not bringing Michael. I swear I'm really sorry I regret it a lot I should've just left him with Ophelia, she would've looked after him."
His eyes were red from crying which meant Gino who's always lying wasn't actually lying this time. Unless it was Will's hayfever but I doubt it. I could hug him but I've got a baby in a baby holder thing that's kicking his way out.
"Stop Michael." I say
He doesn't stop, I can't be asked with him im so tired.
"Ria please I'm really sorry." He begs
His eyes fill up again. I don't say anything I want him to cry, to beg for my forgiveness. He starts to cry which I don't expect from a no emotion assassin but I guess Will is different, he's extremely emotional. I look at Michael, just like his father. They look identical but he acts like me. He's fallen asleep now.
"Wait here." I mumble and walk off.
I could lock him out, make him sleep on the balcony floor and go to sleep on my own with my baby on my side but I'm not that mean but I'll keep that in mind. Instead I put Michael into his crib which was next to our bed and pull his little blanket onto him, I kiss his head.
"Goodnight baby Mikey. Dream well." I whisper and go back to my weeping husband.
I quietly shut the door, it's just us and the cold breeze upon us. He's still crying, I can see him trying to stop but clearly he can't. So I hug him and sit down on a chair his dark hair falls into my shoulder mixing with my light hair. He's breaking down, his body is shaking and his face turned red. He was on my lap, he wasn't heavy as much I can feel my tank top soaken up from his warm tears. I don't say anything I stay quiet letting him have his breakdown. I can hear birds or an owl squaking and I'm about to go and shoot it, but I'm no good with guns even if I've got amazing aim I'm better with knives. His breathing is heavy but I can tell he stopped crying, I slowly look down, he's slowly falling asleep.
"Let's go to bed." I whisper
He shakes his head but then slowly stands up, he confuses himself to much, I stand up too and open the door quietly not to wake up Michael or I'll be doing an all nighter. William's hand touches mine and I hold his hand walking inside well basically tiptoeing and I shut the door walking to my bed. I check Michael once more, he's fast asleep, okay. I lay down and William hesitates till I move slightly away so he has space to lay down, I pat the dark mattress gesturing him to lay down. He's still hesitating, he's not in control he's gonna have a panic attack. I sit up and pull him to lay down, his breathing is even heavier he's waiting for me to say something.
He's not gonna calm down till you fucking say something Victoria-Rose Afton.
I cuddled him and kiss him stroking his hair.
"I forgive you, calm down." I whispered
He made a whimpering noise or it was a cat's purr I don't know the difference his hand was on my boob he was grabbing it and I allowed it. I looked at him, hes asleep. Right two babies are asleep. I shut my eyes and drifted off holding William in my arms.

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