Thirteen Years Old

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Michael's pov:
Those drugs made me poorly, very poorly. So I was off for three weeks. Noah's father snuck in and we made a deal that there would only be money and drugs exchanging and that's it. I could still feel his hands all over me, even if it's been a year. I managed to lie  to everyone, including mama which only made me feel more guilty.

I had enough of Noah. We had been arguing the whole of maths. He punched me in the face but this time I didn't just leave him, I kicked him in the stomach.
"Oh so you wanna fight huh?" He raises an eyebrow grabbing me by my shirt
"Bring it on bitch." I smirked and with that everyone was recording us fight
I swear I saw him blush. So many kids were blocking slt from trying to stop us. I punched him in the nose, his nose began to bleed. He grabbed me by my neck and started to choke me till I kicked him in the neck, ragging his hair.
"I'm sorry." He whispered
My eyes widened, is he apologizing?
"What?" I hissed
We continued fighting but no one could hear that we were whispering.
"My parents won't pick me up, walk with me home." He hissed back grabbing my hair and pushing me to the ground
"My dad will pick me up." I replied
"Tell him to tell the school to let you walk home." He slapped me
"Fine. You better not be tricking me dimwit." I kicked him in the chest and crawled on top of him.
I swear I caught him blushing again. Someone grabbed me and pulled me away. Slt.
"Get off me I'll tell my daddy to sue you!!!" I yell
They didn't listen.
"Do you think I'm joking?!" I scream
I kicked them off me, grabbing my stuff and walked off. When I got inside, principle catched me and took me to his office. A few minutes later Noah joins me. I had already texted mama that when he gets called by the school to just say let me walk home.

After what felt like forever the principle shut up about lecturing that were bad influences to the school. He rang up Noah's parents and Noah was correct, they said Noah had to walk home since they were both busy. He called Mama and he said I could walk home. Noah was excluded for three days while I was excluded for a week because I kicked slt and threatened them. Couldn't care less. I grabbed my bag and left, Noah followed me from behind, he only started talking to me when we left top gates.
"Listen, Michael." He stops grabbing my wrist
"Let go of me." I mumbled
He did. I still hate it when people touch me, I always flinch. I hate Noah's father.
"I'm sorry, for everything." He apologized
"What was the reason? I didn't do anything to you nor Maisie or Aiden, so tell me, why the actual fuck did you turn on me?" I raised an eyebrow folding my arms
"I didn't accept Mark dating you." He mumbled
"Why not?" I asked
"Because, he's cheating on you michael. In year four he only asked you out because he wanted me jealous but in year six when your cousin joined... I uh-. I saw them kissing in the lunch Hall when you were off sick."  He explained
"Mark wouldn't do that. They're only friends."
But that explains why he's always talking to Leah, is he cheating on me?
"I knew you wouldn't believe me. I saw my uncle well uhm abusing my aunt and he said that was the way he showed affection to her... So I did it too you-. I did realize what I was doing till you got into the hospital again because of me."
I frowned.
"That's stupid. Your stupid. Maisie is stupid. Aiden is stupid. Your all stupid for that." I stated
"Your not welcome." I roll my eyes
"Listen, I'll stop bullying you. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."
I walk closer to him and slap him so hard he looked like he was gonna cry
"I forgive but I don't forget. We can be friends. But no matter how close we get there will always be a gap. You fucked up Noah Anderson." I glared at him then turned away and walked off. Then he grabbed my wrist again
"Wha-" his lips placed right onto mine
My eyes widened, my face heated up. Damn he was a good kissing. But wait. He's dating Mary Schmidt. I'm dating Mark Williams. What the hell. This isn't right. But he's such a good kisser.

He finally stopped kissing me.
"You liked me didn't you?" I raised an eyebrow
"W-hat-" he blushed
"You said that Mark only dated me because he wanted you jealous, meaning you had a crush on me but you weren't able to do anything since Mark asked me out." I said
He bit his lip and I gasped.
"I knew it."
I couldn't help but laugh though. He bullied me because he was angry that he wasn't able to get with me, it all made sense, he was blushing when we were fighting. It all makes sense.
"It's not like I loved Mark anyways. I knew something was off about him."
His eyes widened, hope glistened in his eyes.
"I know you hate Mary secretly. Your parents made you two hook up." I smiled
"Yeah... She only likes me for my money really. Mark is  still with you because of your money as well." He replies
I know he wants me to say it. But I won't. This is the starting of my game.

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