Eleven Years old

118 7 5

Michael's pov:
Year five was the worst school year of my life. But it's not like year six was any better. It was graduation day. Two more days and then I'm done with primary and I start year seven in September. But Noah, Maisie and Aiden will be in the same secondary school as me. They're gonna keep bullying me. I shouldn't let that bother me but it is bothering me. My cousin Leah is came to England, she hates me so it's not like she'll do much. Uncle said that she wasn't doing good enough to Italy so she's being sent here to learn some discipline. Like she will all she cares about is money. But ever since she came to England, Mark was off. He always came over to my house, he rarely did. Leah and him became friends. She's going to steal Mark from me isn't she? I hate being alive. I'm afraid of death though. I'm so tired of being treated like shit though. Noah was sat next to me, waiting to be called up to the stage to receive our certificate and goody bag. This is the closet I've been with Noah since well, he started hating me. I miss him. My name was called up so I stood up when I got pushed by Noah and fell hitting my head. I haven't recovered from me getting run over last year, my head was gushing blood. Noah looked at me horrified, did he finally regret it? I felt so dizzy.

And back in the hospital. I was okay, the head injury wasn't bad. Noah was done for though. That's when he came in.
"So uhm. I'm sorry for making your head bleed." He apologies
I forgive but I don't forget.
"Oh... Uhm. Thanks...?" I mumbled
"I still hate you. I always will." He stated
"Why? What did I do...?" I ask
He doesn't answer. My eyes fill up with tears. I miss when he'd hug me and comfort me.
"Sorry." I muttered rubbing my eyes
"Your not forgiven."
"I hate you as well. You changed Noah. Your not the same sweet boy I met at the hospital, if you want to keep doing this, fine. But you get me into the hospital again and I won't hesitate to tell the whole school you used to be in a mental hospital and if it wasn't for me, you would have never been found."
Yes, I'm blackmailing him but I've had enough. He looks taken aback, good.
"Then I guess we have a deal." And we shook hands on it.

At home I cut myself again. It's addicting and it's the only calming part. I'm not gonna be the same boy anymore. The old Michael-Rose Afton is gone. I'm going to get my revenge just you wait Noah Anderson.

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