Twelve Years Old

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Michael's pov:
Mark became closer with Leah but at school we'd kinda hang out I guess? Mama is suspecting I'm hiding things, if he found out I was self harming he'd be disappointed. I don't want him to be disappointed just because I couldn't control myself. I had recovered fully from the incident in year five. My phone vibrated for a message.

Mark<3 sent a new message
Meet up in the library, no outsiders. I got an idea that could signify our group.
It better be quick I have to go home early today
Simon says
I've got detention for skiving, Mike can you tell me what the session was about?
Alright, see you mike and Fred at the library. Teacher's screaming at me, bye x
Bye x

Geography was boring. I mean I were easy for me, a little hard but I managed somehow. I always finished first weirdly. My phone vibrated again, I looked to see the teacher leave so I took my phone out again

Hello michael.
Do I know you??
Not yet.
Who are you?
You'll find out soon..
What do you want from me????
Meet up with me. Right after your meeting with your mates
What do I meet up with you for..?
I know you want to do drugs. Best friends ditched you huh? I can help you.
How do you know that?
Again, you'll find out soon.
Fine. I guess. I'm free till five.
Meet me at the park closest to your house at half past four not seconds wasted. Don't come early or late or there'll be consequences.

Why did I agree to that? I put my phone back in my blazer pocket right timing cause the teacher came back.
"Ah, as usual you finished your work huh michael?" The teacher crouched down next to me
I nodded biting my lip
"Can you do me a quick favour?" He asks
"What is it?" I ask
"Can you go to first building, one one five and get some laminate paper?"
"Sure" I stand up
"Thank you." He smiles
I leave the classroom. I take my phone out again and hid in one of the empty classrooms.

Can we meet up early? Like right now? I've got money
Why so sudden?
My life is shit. Sure you know that.
I do. Where are you?
Meet me at top gates in two
Already there.

That freaked me out. Why are they at top gates? Wait.
Do they stalk me..?
Oh could my life get any worse. Oh fuck I hear footsteps, I slap myself and start to fake cry.
"That doesn't work on me Michael." It was the person.
"What do you want?" I ask folding my arms
"I'm the person you texted stupid fuck." He rolled his eyes and takes out a bag
"O-oh." I stand up straight
"Five quid."
I rummage through my pockets till I find coins. Five pounds. I hand it to the guy exchanged for the drugs.
"I need something else though." He takes his mask off
Is that..
"Your Noah's dad-" I gasp
Suddenly, he comes closer to me and pinned me to the wall.
"Exactly. Now, don't be too loud."
I look into his green eyes, they're full if evil and.. Lust.

Oh my god.... I feel disgusting. I need to shower. I can feel him everywhere. He lifts my chin.
"You tell anyone about this and this knife will be shoved down your throat." He makes fake gun sounds
My body was shaking. He throws me three twenty notes.
"There, sixty quid so you shut your mouth." And then he left
He was the same man that carried me when I was younger, he bought me ice cream, who held me when I cried. Who hit me when I got ran over. He just sold me drugs and raped me..... How would Noah think about this...? I'm so scared but I need to get up and get back to class, I'll lie to sir and say they couldn't find any. I checked the time on my phone. Two fifteen. Fifteen more minutes and I'm out. I slowly stand up and wear my clothes back on, I text mama saying I'll walk home. He'll notice that I'm off. I opened the bag full if drugs and took two swallowing them.

I walked back home, I could still feel his hands all over me, his lips on mine, his penis in me.. I keep looking behind me because he's also stalking me.. He could be anywhere. He could be with Noah's mom acting like everything is normal. Suddenly I got pushed and there was laughter. Noah and Maisie. I grabbed my bag and stood back up walking home. I scraped my knee, wrong day to wear my ripped pants.
"You feel so good Michael..."
No get out my head. I'm gonna break down in public. J will never cry in public again. Not after what happened in primary. I'm just gonna act like everything is normal, today was just unusual....

I scrubbed myself till I was numb. That didn't even help. I want mama, I want to tell him everything but what if Noah's father finds out and kills me. I'm only twelve.. What a horrible way to start secondary school.

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