Sixteen Years old

181 5 4

Michael's pov:
Randomly, I got called from the police department.

"Hello?" I muttered telling Noah to shut up
"Hello, is this Michael-Rose Afton?"
"Yes, that's me, what's wrong?" I raised an eyebrow
Noah looked at me confused and I just shrugged.
"Well, we are sorry to say this but your father had murdered six children. When looking around Fredddy Fazbears which was the last location on where those six children were last seen, we found blood in a suit."
Noah came and layed down on my chest.
"Who's blood was it..?" I bit my lip
"Your father's, he died in the suit, I'm very sorry for your lost." I declined the call

"What happened? Michael? Why are you crying?" He asked sitting up and holding me
"Mama-." I cried
I knew by his no response he knew what happened.

Noah let me be alone. But eventually I wanted him near me. He layed with me the whole time, not saying anything. He just layed there with me in bed.
"I'm hungry...." I muttered
"Do you want take out?" He asked
I nodded.

I ended up working two jobs. Working as a nightguard so my father's business will continue on the weekdays and working as a stripper on the weekends. Noah worked as a mail man while I taught him to become a member of the Blood Hound. He told me he wanted his own mafia gang, that was his dream so now I'm teaching him.

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