Six years old

109 5 2

✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
Michael's pov:
Dark room. The thing I was holding was cold it made me shiver.
"Do you know what this is called bud?" Mama kneels down
I shake my head.
"This is a gun, it is special to this family. You are at the age to use this gun okay, you see that bi- I mean human, I need you to press this button pointed at her."
The person was screaming, Mama shouted at them and uncle covered her mouth.
"Why?" I asked
"She hurt us badly." He replies
"Like auntie?"
"Yes, exactly, like Auntie did to you and Noah, your angry at her remember?"
I nod and look at the person again.
"Pretend that is auntie, pretend she's hurting Noah." He whispers
Auntie will never touch Noah again.
"What happens when I do?" I ask
"There's a cycle we go through Michael, it's called life." Uncle kneels down to me ruffling my hair
The gun is heavy, it's colder than ice.
"When we're born that's how we enter life, we grow till a certain age where we end up falling asleep for the  eternity, that's called dying. We can die at any time, any day, any age. Sometimes we die for good reasons like we might die old, or what's happening today  we end life quicker. This girl has ruined us and now we have to get revenge, your going to end her life. Because she ruined us she's dying from a bad reason." Uncle explains
"For doing this Michael, we can end up jail." He said
"What's jail?" I ask
"A very bad place, I do not want you to ever end up in there, okay? People go to jail for killing like what your doing right now."
"I don't want to go to jail!!" I stamp tears pricking in my eyes it stings
"Your not going to, your surrounded my your family and that's it, we're not gonna report you to the police except from the girl but guess what that means?"
Before he continues I press the button mama wanted me to click and point the gun at the girl tied up and immediately there's blood.
"You did it." Uncle smiles
"My baby did it." Mama chuckles and picks me up
"It's to heavy!" I whine
Uncle takes the gun away and my hands feel way better.
"You'll get used to it Mikey, come on what desert do you want? Ice cream?"
"Ice cream! I want Noah here!"
"Let's go call Cecilia then"
I watch as the girl bleeds, I don't feel bad. I watch as her body stops, it freezes like the game I play with Maisie and Noah, freeze tag.
✦ ₊꒷꒦︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶꒷꒦ෆ✦
At school I tell Maisie and Noah everything. They're shocked and find it cool we talk about it the whole break time. I miss touching the gun. I missed it's heavy feeling, it's cold touch. I'm distracted about thinking about the gun instead of doing subtraction I hate math so I don't care.
"How did you do those so fast Mikey?" Maisie asks
I shrug.
"That's so good! Can I copy?" She whispers
"Mhm!" I giggle
She copies my answers as I think about the gun, the girl, mama and uncle praising. The cycle through life and death. I feel scared about death, what if i die like that girl? I don't want to die. I want to stay here forever, I want Noah to stay here with me forever, we'll be best friends forever and we'll live together and we'll have cats.

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